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Weather News

Storms erupt across Australia

Ben Domensino, Monday November 21, 2016 - 17:05 EDT

Thunderstorms were occurring over six states and territories this afternoon.

Only the ACT and Tasmania were lightning free in the late-afternoon, although this may change by tonight.

The most intense storms so far occurred in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, where warnings were been issued for damaging winds. The warnings also include large hail and heavy rain in the latter states, with parts of Sydney and Melbourne at risk.

As of 4:30pm EDT, damaging winds had been recorded in Victoria with gusts reaching 120km/h at Mount Gellibrand, 104km/h at Horsham, 95km/h at Hopetoun and 91 k/h at Ballarat.

In New South Wales, storms were triggered over the central ranges as a sea breeze clashed with westerly winds, forcing moisture-laden air to rise through an unstable atmosphere. While the sea breeze helped to generate storms in Sydney's west and north today, it also prevented them from reaching the eastern suburbs during the afternoon. Sea breezes bring in cooler air near the surface, which hinders storm development.

Storms will continue into the evening for some region, so stay up to date with the latest warnings at: http://www.weatherzone.com.au/warnings.jsp

- Weatherzone

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