International Council Correspondence (1934-1937)

Revue conseilliste, suivie en 1938 de Living Marxism, également animée par Paul Mattick. L’ensemble des trois revues International Council Correspondence, Living Marxism et New Essays ( 1934-1943 ), a été réédité (en reprint) par Greenwood Corp. (Westport, U.S.A., 1970). Une sélection a été réunie dans La contre-révolution bureaucratique (U.G.E., 10/18), qui cite en annexe le titre des principaux articles.

Brochure de cette revue: Outline study course in Marxian economics ( ca. 1937)

Vol. 1

N°1 pdf (10-1934):

N° 2  pdf (11-1934):

N° 3 pdf (12-1934):

N° 4 pdf (01-1935):

  • The Babbits have a Program (Les « Babbits » ont un programme), Paul Mattick
  • Capitalism and Planning (Capitalisme et plannification), Paul Mattick
  • On the New Program of the American Workers Party (Le nouveau programme de l’A.W.P.), Karl Korsch

N° 5 pdf (02-1935):

  • Leninism or Marxism? Introduction,  Paul Mattick
  • Leninism or Marxism, Rosa Luxemburg external-link
  • The A.F. of L. and the Present Crisis, Paul Mattick
  • Marxism without Doctors, Review of Paul Mattick’s The Inevitability of Communism

N° 6 pdf (03-1935):

  • Daniel De Leon, Kristen Svanum
  • CCC: Capitalism’s Conservation Corps,  Paul Mattick
  • The Scum of Humanity, Paul Mattick [+ esp ]
  • A.F. of L. and Administration Break, pp. 18-19, by Paul Mattick

N° 7 pdf (04-1935):

N° 8 pdf (05-1935):

  • Revolutionary Marxism, Paul Mattick
  • The Next World Crisis, the Second World War and the World Revolution
  • Remarks Regarding the Theses Regarding the Next World Crisis, Second World War and the World Revolution, Karl Korsch [ it ]
  • Capturing the A.F. of L., Paul Mattick

N° 9 pdf (07-1935):

  • Americanizing of Marxism,
  • Marxism and anarchism, WRB
  • The Franco-Russian pact,  Paul Mattick
  • Inflation, Paul Mattick
  • Marxism as a Religion, Karl Korsch
  • Guy Aldred’s Mission,  Paul Mattick

N° 10 pdf (08-1935):

N° 11 pdf (09-1935):

  • Germany Today, Paul Mattick
  • National Bolshevism, HG
  • The Brussels Conference, Paul Mattick
  • The Competitors of Fascism, by Paul Mattick

N°12 pdf (10-1935):

  • Revolutionary Parliamentarism, WT
  • Anti-Parliamentarism and Council-Communism
  • Report from Denmark, L
  • Critical Remarks: “The Rise of the New Labor Movement”,  HW
  • The Intellectuals,  JH [Anton Pannekoek]

Vol. 2
N° 1 (12-1935):

N° 2 (01-1936):

N° 3/4 (03-1936):

N° 5 (04-1936):

  • Election Year, Paul Mattick
  • The Miners’ Strike in Belgium
  • Les conseils ouvriers, JH [Anton Pannekoek]
  • Review of Edward Conze, The Scientific Method of Thinking, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Walter H. Uphoff, The Kohler Strike, Paul Mattick

N° 6 (05-1936):

  • The Power of Classes, JH [Anton Pannekoek]
  • Communism and Religion
  • Class Struggle in War,  from Rätekorrespondenz

N° 7 (06-1936):

N° 8 (07-1936):

N° 9/10 (09-1936):

N° 11 pdf (10-1936):

N°12 (11-1936):

  • Work Shop Committees in England
  • On the Soviet Constitution,  A. Rudolf
  • What must be done?
  • Max Nomad’s ‘Masters of tomorrow’, Paul Mattick

Vol. 3
N° 1 (01-1937):

N° 2 (02-1937):

  • La Russie soviétique aujourd’hui, Rätekorrespondenz
  • Russia’s Latest Execution,  Paul Mattick
  • Corporatisme fasciste,  Daniel Guérin
  • New Strikes – New Methods, Paul Mattick
  • Two New Marxian Quarterlies (Science & Society and Marxist Quarterly), Paul Mattick
  • Review of Paul H. Douglas, Controlling Depressions, Paul Mattick
  • Review of S.C. Gilfillian, The Sociology of Invention, Paul Mattick
  • Review of W.T. Colyer, An Outline History of Unemployment, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Sidney Hook, From Hegel to Marx, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Edward Conze, Spain Today: Revolution and Counter-Revolution, Paul Mattick

N° 3 (03-1937):

  • The End of a Strike,  Paul Mattick
  • Supreme Court Reform, Paul Mattick
  • War Prevention Schemes, Paul Mattick
  • What Next in Spain?,  Paul Mattick
  • The Situation in England
  • On Fluctuation of Wages, Paul Mattick

N° 4 (04-1937):

N° 5/6 pdf (06-1937):

  • L’anarchisme et la Révolution espagnole,  Helmut Wagner [+ it , esp ]
  • Nature and Significance of ‘Overproduction’, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Leon Trotsky, The Revolution betrayed, Paul Mattick external-link
  • Review of Max Eastman, The end of socialism, Paul Mattick
  • Review of From Tsar to Lenin (A Film Edited by Max Eastman), PW
  • Review of Johan Strachey, The Theory and Practise of Socialism
  • Review of The Recovery Problem in the United States, Paul Mattick
  • Civil War in Catalonia, Paul Mattick

N° 7/8 (08-1937):

N° 9/10 (10-1937):

  • The War in the Far East [La guerre en Extrême-Orient]
  • One Year ‘People’s Front’ in France,  Paul Mattick
  • The Old Hegelian Dialectic and the New Materialistic Science,  Karl Korsch
  • The Non-Intervention Comedy Comes to an End in Spain,  Hartwig
  • Review of D.A. Santillam, After the Revolution in Spain, Paul Mattick
  • Review of O. Newfang, Economic Welfare, Paul Mattick
  • Review of A. Woodburn, An Outline of Finance,  Paul Mattick
  • Review of E. Epstein, Social Security, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Wolfson & Weiss, Industrial Unionism in the American Labor Movement, Paul Mattick
  • Review of G. Hopkins, The Labor Spy, Paul Mattick
  • Review of E Hass, John L. Lewis Exposed, Paul Mattick
  • Review of A.R. Williams, The Soviets, Paul Mattick
  • Review of The Letters of Lenin, Paul Mattick
  • Review of H Lewy, The Web of Thought and Actions, Paul Mattick
  • Review of G. Marlen, Earl Browder, Communist or Tool of Wall Street, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Victor Serge, From Lenin to Stalin, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Leon Trotsky, The Stalin School of Falsification, Paul Mattick
  • Review of James, World Revolution 1917-36, Paul Mattick
  • Review of The National Debt and Government Credit, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Unemployment and Accumulation, Paul Mattick

N°11/12 (12-1937):

  • The Materialistic Interpretation of History, Friedrich Engels
  • The Italian Cooperative State, Hartwig
  • La fin de l’orthodoxie marxiste, Karl Korsch [+ en external-link]
  • Origin and Development of the Communist Party of Germany, from Proletarier
  • Review of M. Yvon, What has Become of the Russian Revolution,  Paul Mattick
  • Review of CIO – Promise of Menace, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Stuart Chase, Rich Land, Poor Land, Paul Mattick
  • Review of Rudolph Rocker, The Tragedy of Spain, Paul Mattick
  • The CIO Breaks Strikes,  Paul Mattick
  • Asia and World Imperialism, Paul Mattick
  • Stalinism and Bolshevism, Paul Mattick
  • The journal changed its title to « Living Marxism »

2 Réponses to “International Council Correspondence (1934-1937)”

  1. Les divergences de principe entre Rosa Luxemburg et Lénine (Mattick, 1935) « La Bataille socialiste Says:

    […] By lucien Article de Paul Mattick publié dans Rätekorrespondenz (septembre 1935) et dans International Council Correspondence (juillet 1936). Traduit de l’anglais par Serge Bricianer et publié dans Intégration […]


  2. Les conseils ouvriers et l’organisation communiste de l’économie (1935) « La Bataille socialiste Says:

    […] et l’organisation communiste de l’économie (1935) By lucien Article publié dans International Council Correspondence N°7 (avril […]


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