Simplify your life.
LastPass securely remembers your passwords, so you don't have to.
Looking for a business solution?
We believe that employees do their best work when every password is managed.
Explore LastPass for BusinessSay goodbye to sticky notes.
Stop wasting time writing, remembering, and resetting passwords. Only remember one master password, and keep the rest locked up and easy-to-find in the LastPass password manager.
Fortify your passwords.
Only you know your master password, so only you can access your information in your encrypted vault - not even LastPass can. All of your data is sealed with AES-256 bit encryption, salted hashing, and PBKDF2 SHA-256.
Trusted by the experts.
"I've completely switched my entire solution for managing passwords, after spending days researching it and testing it and playing with it, over to LastPass."
Steve Gibson, Security Researcher"LastPass Enterprise just makes it so much easier to have—and maintain—secure practices."
Homer Bartlett, Director of Internal Resources, MailChimp"I feel so much safer knowing I have a different password for every website. Even when a website gets hacked, I know everything else is still safe."
Jeff M., LastPass CustomerStart organizing your passwords today.
- Access on all devices Now Free
- Save & fill passwords
- Password generator
- Secure notes
- Share passwords & notes
- Security challenge
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
$1 /month*
Premium includes
Everything in Free, plus:
- Family sharing - up to 5 users
- YubiKey & Sesame 2FA options
- Priority tech support
- LastPass for applications
- Desktop fingerprint identification
- 1GB of encrypted file storage