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GQ is the authority on men. For more than 50 years, GQ has been the premier men’s magazine, providing definitive coverage of style and culture. With its unique and powerful design, work from the finest photographers and a stable of award-winning writers,GQ inspires millions of leading men each month.The only publication that speaks to all sides of the male equation, GQ is simply sharper and smarter.

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Sam Tomlinson
NSW Group Sales Director- Direct Sales
02 8045 5676
Karen Clements
VIC Group Sales Director- Style Group
03 9292 3202
Rose Wegner
QLD Sales Director
07 3666 6903
Cheyne Hall
Group Sales Manager-Style
02 8045 4667

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GQ Australia is celebrating 15 years with the release of the March/April issue starring Australian icon Kylie Minogue flanked by the Stenmark twins and the launch of GQ Australia’s first fully enhanced and interactive digital edition.

GQ Australia is the unchallenged leader in the premium men’s lifestyle magazine market, and was the fastest growing consumer magazine over 2011/2012. ‘Success with style’ is the ethos around which GQ is created, and each issue is a provocative mix of the very best in writing, visuals and an unrivalled sense of achievement, intelligence and irreverence.

Now more than ever, our audience needs an anchor of authority in the sea of available lifestyle information. With that in mind, we promise to increase our 'reader service' across all editorial categories. That will include more tips, reader questions and answers, GQ endorsements, Editor's picks, celebrity recommendations, insider information and valuable inclusions to make readers' lives more successful.

With engaging and exclusive advertiser executions the GQ Australia iPad edition features bespoke video content, click to purchase straight from the runway, behind-the-scenes footage of collections and shoots and social sharing features.

Our commitment is to find our readers and deliver GQ Australia wherever they are; be it in a newsagent, supermarket, through a subscription, online or on their tablet.

Key Facts



Source: emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending July 2015.


Digital is the digital extension of the GQ Australia experience and offers its audience an aspirational platform of engaging content from the most talented contributors, housed in a digital environment that utilises the latest technology matched with amazing aesthetics. The website attracts a community of influential individuals who are keen to share and start conversations around GQ Australia’s recommendations through their own personal networks.

The community of influential males who visit and find validation from GQ’s recommendations represents a strong opportunity to extend your brand’s reach and create memorable engagement. Advertising on is an efficient and effective way to get consumers to connect with your brand.

Key Facts


Unique Audience


Page views




Sessions per person


Time per person

Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly (Surfing) Total. March 2016