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From red carpet to runway, Confidential covers entertainment news, gossip and celebrity events across fashion, music and showbiz. With a distinctive and uncompromising approach, Confidential’s journalists tell the news as it is. There’s more stories, more pictures and more videos, keeping you in the loop with the latest in entertainment.

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Confidential appears in the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, the Herald Sun and the Sunday Herald Sun, Courier Mail, The Advertiser and Perth Now’s Sunday Times.  Pages are packed with news, who's who and photographs from recent events and premieres.

Key Facts



Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016.



Confidential online complements the in-print section covering entertainment news, local and international celebrity events across fashion, music and showbiz. With galleries, video and social media links, Confidential's team of journalists bring Confidential to the digital consumer with their irreverent and uncompromising commitment to entertain and satisfy the Australian appetite for celebrity news.