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News Life Media


Birth is the expectant mums’ guide to pregnancy, birth and early parenting.  Informed by the combination of her specific information requests and experienced midwives alongside our investment in storytelling that puts the journey of motherhood at the centre of its offering, Birth provides the essential ingredients to prepare mums-to-be for the most life-changing event they will ever experience.

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Sam Tomlinson
NSW & NT Group Sales Director
02 8062 2314
Astrid White
VIC & TAS Key Account Manager
03 9292 3222
Rose Wegner
QLD Sales Director
07 3666 6903
Maree Marasco
SA Account Manager
03 9292 2749
Gemma Brandley
WA Account Manager
08 9326 9806

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Our offering: a powerful combination of expert advice, useful tips, tools and the conversation she can’t find on Facebook

Our point of difference: a genuine commitment to editorial: compelling stories, fresh content and daily socialisation amongst our readers

Our front door: a fresh, modern design influenced and driven by Gen Y mums with a focus on the precise information and tools sought most frequently, alongside timely features, heartfelt stories and the buzz of community and conversation.