- published: 04 Nov 2016
- views: 192
LSE Research in Mandarin | Time series and big data
LSE Research in Mandarin | Media Industries and Production in China
LSE Live Webcast | Human Rights after Brexit: still on fantasy island? | Professor Conor Gearty
LSE Campus Tour
A day in the life of an LSE student
Would you succeed at LSE?
Video diary – Jenna’s first few weeks at LSE
Why Study at LSE
LSE Residential Life: arriving to an LSE hall of residence
Video diary – Liz shows us a typical day at LSE
In this video of ‘LSE Research in Mandarin’, Prof Qiwei Yao to Dr Catherine Xiang about his research on time series and its application. He also discusses the recent challenges and advantages big data bring us in the world today. Contributors: Dr Qiwei Yao, Dr Catherine Xiang For more videos in the series please see https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK4elntcUEy3nuQn6alUUNB1yLDTLbgJi
In this video of 'LSE Research in Mandarin', Dr Bingchun Meng talks to Dr Catherine Xiang about her research in communication governance and media production in the context of globalization and technological shifts. They also discuss the empowering potential of digital networks in new communicative practices, and the obstacles to this empowerment. Contributors: Dr Bingchun Meng, Dr Catherine Xiang For more videos in the series please see https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK4elntcUEy3nuQn6alUUNB1yLDTLbgJi
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEBrexit: https://twitter.com/hashtag/lsebrexit LSE Law Matters public discussion Date: Thursday 8 December 2016 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building Speaker: Professor Conor Gearty Respondents: Professor Sionaidh Douglas Scott, Professor Steve Peers Chair: Sir Stephen Sedley As Home Secretary, Theresa May was more hostile to human rights than was any other cabinet minister in David Cameron's government. Now as Prime Minister she must not only make a definitive decision about where human rights fit in her vision of Britain but also whether they can have any place at all in light of the need to reconstruct Brexit Britain. Is this another piece of European clutter than needs now to be thrown out? Does the Human Rights Act get ...
Second year Anthropology student Hannah Cottrell shows us what a typical day is like for her at LSE.
LSE academics discuss what makes an ideal LSE student, and how LSE is a challenging but rewarding environment.
Watch this film to prepare for your arrival to an LSE hall of residence. For more information: http://www.lse.ac.uk/study/summerSchools/summerSchool/accommodation/Home.aspx http://www.lse.ac.uk/intranet/LSEServices/residentialServices/Home.aspx
The first video diary from Liz, a new undergraduate student at LSE.
DCDCConference.com #DCDC16 Nicola joined LSE in 2008 from Imperial College London where she led the development of the UK Research Reserve project. In March 2015 Nicola was appointed Director of Library Services. Nicola’s career has focused on leading change in libraries in order to meet the demands of a digital environment. Nicola has extensive experience in library management gained during a varied career in the higher education and heritage sectors, with roles at the British Library, SOAS and Imperial College London. Nicola has contributed to a number of national and international initiatives in support of evolving the role of research libraries. She currently sits on the Board of Research Libraries UK and is Deputy Chair of the UK Committee for the UNESCO Memory of the World Progra...
Professor Amos Witztum provides an introduction to economics at the LSE Kick Off Day for students studying by distance learning through the University of London International Programmes in September 2011. To find out about gaining a University of London qualification with academic direction by LSE through distance learning visit: http://www.londoninternational.ac.uk/lse
No dudéis en mandarme vuestras dudas y/o comentarios. Os responderé cuanto antes (ya sea en video o por escrito) y así podemos aprender unos de otros. Un saludo
Presented by the Harold Laski Chair and Professor of Political Science, Simon Hix, this lecture will discuss the political and economic ramifications for Britain and Europe following the EU Referendum results. Professor Simon Hix is one of the leading researchers, teachers, and commentators on EU politics and institutions in the UK. He has published over 100 books and articles on various aspects of EU, European, British and comparative politics. He regularly gives evidence to committees in the UK House of Commons and House of Lords, and in the European Parliament, and he has advised the UK Cabinet Office and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under both Labour and Conservative administrations. Recorded on 29 June 2016 This event was organised by the LSE Summer School in partnership wi...
Date: Wednesday 12 October 2016 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House Speaker: Professor David Stasavage Chair: Professor David Soskice In today’s social climate of growing inequality, why are there not greater efforts to tax the rich? David Stasavage asks when and why countries tax their wealthiest citizens. David Stasavage (@stasavage) is Julius Silver Professor in the Wilf Family Department of Politics at New York University. David Soskice is Professor of Political Science and Economics in the LSE Department of Government. The International Inequalities Institute at LSE (@LSEInequalities) brings together experts from many LSE departments and centres to lead critical and cutting edge research to understand why inequalities are escalating in numerous arenas across the...
Date: Tuesday 10 May 2016 Time: 10-11.30am Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building Speaker: Dr Raghuram Rajan Chair: Professor Erik Berglof The global financial crisis has shaken up the international financial architecture. Regulatory changes and unconventional monetary policies have mainly served the interests of advanced economies. Raghuram Rajan, Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, has been the main voice of emerging economies demanding a more balanced global monetary system. He would like to see more coordination to reduce volatility and a more effective “global safety net” to protect those most vulnerable. Emerging economies must be more involved in rethinking and reshaping the system. Dr Rajan assumed charge as the 23rd Governor of the Reserve Bank of India on September 4th 2013. Raja...
Speaker: Professor Joseph E Stiglitz Why has inequality increased in the Western world and what can we do about it? In this new book, The Great Divide, which he will talk about in this public lecture, Joseph E. Stiglitz expands on the diagnosis he offered in his best-selling book The Price of Inequality and suggests ways to counter this growing problem. Stiglitz argues that inequality is a choice: the cumulative result of unjust policies and misguided priorities. Ultimately, Stiglitz believes our choice is not between growth and fairness; with the right policies, we can choose both. Joseph Stiglitz (@JosephEStiglitz) was Chief Economist at the World Bank until January 2000. He is currently University Professor of the Columbia Business School, and Chair of the Management Board and Directo...
Date: Wednesday 1 June 2016 Time: 6.30-8pm Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building Speaker: Professor Richard H Thaler Chair: Professor Craig Calhoun Richard Thaler, described by The Spectator as ‘the godfather of behavioural economics’, will be in conversation with LSE Director Craig Calhoun about his book Misbehaving, an authoritative and entertaining history of behavioural economics. Richard Thaler has spent his career studying the radical notion that the central agents in the economy are humans—predictable, error-prone individuals. Traditional economics assumes rational actors. Early in his research, Thaler realized these Spock-like automatons were nothing like real people. Whether buying an alarm clock, selling football tickets, or applying for a mortgage, we all succumb to biases and ma...
The world is a better place than it used to be. People are wealthier and healthier, and live longer lives. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many have left gaping inequalities between people and between nations. In this lecture Angus Deaton (one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty) tells the remarkable story of how, starting two hundred and fifty years ago, some parts of the world began to experience sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's hugely unequal world. Deaton takes an in-depth look at the historical and ongoing patterns behind the health and wealth of nations, and he addresses what needs to be done to help those left behind. Angus Deaton is the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of Economics and International Affairs in th...
This is a recording of the debate hosted by the LSE Economic History Department, in collaboration with the LSESU Economic History Society and the LSESU Economics Society. http://lsesueconomichistory.co.uk/ http://lsesueconomicssociety.com/ Speakers: Proposition Team - Lord Robert Skidelsky & Dr. Ha-Joon Chang Opposition Team - Prof. Steve Pisckhe & Prof. Francesco Caselli Chair - Professor James Foreman-Peck The LSE is currently the only institution to have a separate EH department. We want to encourage students and academics alike to rethink the methodologies used to explain how our world works. Do we use the theoretical and econometrical method to create models with assumptions to distil the complexities of human nature and produce measurable results? Or do we use the historical p...
Speaker(s): Professor Dani Rodrik Chair: Professor Wouter Den Haan Recorded on 7 October 2015 at Old Theatre, Old Building Based on his new book, Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science, Professor Rodrik will give an accessible introduction to the strengths of the discipline of economics and why it is so often misunderstood, not least by its practitioners. Dani Rodrik (@rodrikdani) is Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and Centennial Professor at the LSE European Institute and Department of Economics. He has published widely in international economics and globalization, economic growth and development, and political economy. He is the author of The Globalization Paradox (Norto...
Loss mich falle wie Schnei
Blos mich wie en Fedder en d'r Wind
Loss mich falle wie d'r eetste Schnei
Janz leis
Streu' mich wie Stäne en de Nach
Loss mich föhle wie am eetste Dach
Un met Mondlech deck mich zo
Komm deck mich zo
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Ich well fahre für en Iwigkeit
Loss mich drieve op däm lange Wäch
Wohin d'r Wind mich drät
Loss mich falle wie Schnei
Blos mich wie en Fedder en d'r Wind
Loss mich falle wie d'r eetste Schnei
Janz leis
Hüre Leeder die d'r Wind verzällt
Treck' met de Wolke hu am Firmament
Un ich verklinge wie e Woot vun Dir
D'r Himmel es e Deil vun mir
Streu' mich wie Stäne en de Nach
Loss mich föhle wie am eetste Dach
Un met Mondlech deck mich zo
Komm deck mich zo