- published: 18 Jun 2012
- views: 804494
Mount Fuji (富士山, Fujisan, IPA: [ɸɯᵝꜜdʑisaɴ]), located on Honshu Island, is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). An active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08, Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (60 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.
Mount Fuji is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" (三霊山, Sanreizan) along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan's Historic Sites. It was added to the World Heritage List as a Cultural Site on June 22, 2013. As per UNESCO, Mount Fuji has “inspired artists and poets and been the object of pilgrimage for centuries”. UNESCO recognizes 25 sites of cultural interest within the Mt. Fuji locality. These 25 locations include the mountain itself, Fujisan Hongū Sengen Shrine and six other Sengen shrines, two lodging houses, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Kawaguchi, the eight Oshino Hakkai hot springs, two lava tree molds, the remains of the Fuji-kō cult in the Hitoana cave, Shiraito Falls, and Miho no Matsubara pine tree grove.
作曲:Christopher Chak 填詞:林夕 編曲:陳珀 / C.Y. Kong 監製:Alvin Leong 攔路雨偏似雪花 飲泣的你凍嗎 這風褸我給你磨到有襟花 連掉了跡也不怕 怎麼始終牽掛 苦心選中今天想車你回家 原諒我不再送花 傷口應要結疤 花瓣鋪滿心裡墳場才害怕 如若你非我不嫁 彼此終必火化 一生一世等一天需要代價 誰都只得那雙手 靠擁抱亦難任你擁有 要擁有必先懂失去怎接受 曾沿著雪路浪遊 為何為好事淚流 誰能憑愛意要富士山私有 何不把悲哀感覺 假設是來自你虛構 試管裡找不到它染污眼眸 前塵硬化像石頭 隨緣地拋下便逃走 我絕不罕有 往街裡繞過一周 我便化烏有 情人節不要說穿 只敢撫你髮端 這種姿態可會令你更心酸 留在汽車裡取暖 應該怎麼規勸 怎麼可以將手腕忍痛劃損 人活到幾歲算短 失戀只有更短 歸家需要幾里路誰能預算 忘掉我跟你恩怨 櫻花開了幾轉 東京之旅一早比一世遙遠 誰都只得那雙手 靠擁抱亦難任你擁有 要擁有必先懂失去怎接受 曾沿著雪路浪遊 為何為好事淚流 誰能憑愛意要富士山私有 何不把悲哀感覺 假設是來自你虛構 試管裡找不到它染污眼眸 前塵硬化像石頭 隨緣地拋下便逃走 我絕不罕有 往街裡繞過一周 我便化烏有 誰都只得那雙手 靠擁抱亦難任你擁有 要擁有必先懂失去怎接受 曾沿著雪路浪遊 為何為好事淚流 誰能憑愛意要富士山私有 何不把悲哀感覺 假設是來自你虛構 試管裡找不到它染污眼眸 前塵硬化像石頭 隨緣地拋下便逃走 我絕不罕有 往街裡繞過一周 我便化烏有 你還嫌不夠 我把這陳年風褸 送贈你解咒
►訂閱貝遊日本:https://goo.gl/cX7HWQ ►「日本關東之旅 」系列 ----------- 全輯收看:https://goo.gl/EGwMgY DAY1 草津溫泉:https://youtu.be/et2hSRvHLWQ DAY2 日立海濱公園:https://youtu.be/j3EkIrQmFfQ DAY3 輕井澤:https://youtu.be/00I_EvWcmxI DAY4 富士山團一日遊:https://youtu.be/H2vjJT7a788 DAY5 東京汐入公園:https://youtu.be/wRNvwQWxVtM 美食推介-秋葉原吉列牛:https://youtu.be/2SbCHd0PRxI ►影片相關資訊 ----------- 旅程日期:2015年10月7日-12日 報名查詢:http://www.freedtour.com/ BG MUSIC:YUI-U-niform 拍攝器材:GOPRO+SONY A7S+SONY rx100 m3 剪片軟件:FINAL CUT PRO ►關於貝遊日本 ----------- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/plovejapan IG:plovejapan Email: plovejapan@gmail.com ►字幕協助 ----------- 歡迎提供字幕(日文/英文)🙏🏼🙏🏼無言感激 http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=H2vjJT7a788&ref;=share
【日本富士山攻頂企劃-第1天】 阿倫去爬富士山啦! 為了追尋一個爬富士山的夢想,阿倫啟程前往日本的第一高峰富士山 準備來圓一個夢想。 到底有沒有辦法成功登頂呢? 快看著影片跟著阿倫一起爬富士山吧! 因為影片有點長,所以分為上下兩集, 請跟著阿倫一起細細品味富士山的魅力所在哦。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■阿倫頻道Facebook專頁↓↓↓ https://www.facebook.com/alanchannel/ ■想看阿倫的其他影片?請到阿倫頻道Youtube專頁↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/c/AlanChannelJP
这是为安全攀登富士山、保护环境的录像。 内容分为计划篇、规则和规范篇、登山记录篇,通过解说、对富士登山导游的采访进行简而易懂的介绍。(约30分) 策划・制作:山梨县富士山五合目咨询中心管理会 (事务局:山梨县观光部观光资源课) 00:00 攀登世界遗产 富士山 〜安全•规范指南 01:26 攀登富士山 ~计划篇~ 10:33 攀登富士山~礼仪规则篇~ 13:08 攀登富士山~装备与高原反应的对策~ 17:58 攀登富士山~文档篇~ For English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=povuDioB7n8 For Japanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z63UDONe2I4
祝!富士山世界文化遺産登録 2013年6月22日、富士山が世界文化遺産に登録されました。 構成資産の中に、静岡市にある三保松原(みほのまつばら)も含まれ、世界の富士山、三保松原となりました。 静岡市内から望める富士山の絶景スポットを紹介します。(2012年制作)
Watch other Tokyo vlogs here: 寒遊東京2🗼推介新宿酒店👍市區狂食攻略 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMerT... 寒遊東京3🗼一日暴走行程|原宿|池袋|秋葉原|睛空塔 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmlLp... 寒遊東京4🗼同我行御殿埸Outlet+夜遊Disney Sea🎪 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uyb6BiDA4Ts Find me on: Instagram: suennsoonsoon Facebook: Suenn Wong Hotel information: Ooike hotel Address: 401 0301, 6713-103 Funatsu, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture 401-0301日本 木之花博物館 3026-1 Kawaguchi, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture 401-0304日本 不動茶屋本店 Related blog post: http://queen7627me.pixnet.net/blog/po...食記%5D日本山梨縣-不動茶屋ほうとう不動(河 音樂盒之森美術館 Related blog post: https://tw.bring-you.info/kawaguchiko... Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video.
富士山(日語:关于这个音频文件 富士山/ふじさん Fujisan ?)是日本一座橫跨靜岡縣和山梨縣的活火山,位於東京西南方約80公里處,主峰海拔3776公尺,2002年8月(平成14年),經日本國土地理院重新測量後,為3775.63公尺[2],是日本國內的最高峰。[3]富士山頂於冬季積雪,直至隔年六、七月才會溶化,在管理上屬於本州地區的富士箱根伊豆國立公園範圍內。富士山不但名列日本百名山,同時也是日本三名山之一,其名稱由來源自於竹取物語。聞名全球的富士山是日本重要的象徵之一,被視為聖山,其在古代文獻中亦被稱為不二、不盡或是富慈,也經常被稱作芙蓉峰或富岳。自古以來,這座山的名字就經常在日本的傳統詩歌「和歌」中出現。 在富士山山麓周圍,分布著5個淡水湖,統稱富士五湖,是日本著名的觀光度假名勝地。富士山有4個主要的登山口,分別為富士宮口、須走口、御殿場口、富士吉田(河口湖)口等,其中前三個登山入口都在靜岡縣內。 由於富士山本身的魅力和在日本的地位,人們一直以來希望將其申報為世界自然遺產。日本政府在2012年重新提交了世界文化遺產的推薦申請,成功於2013年6月22日正式獲選列入世界文化遺產,使富士山成為日本的第17個世界遺產(第13個世界文化遺產)。 7月20日與朋友參加攀登富世山5日遊的行程,因為積雪及安全的考量,僅每年78兩個月全面開放登山,所以3個月前要預定山屋及旅行社相關事宜,一間平面不起眼山屋睡超過300人,每人肩並肩而睡在上下大木板通鋪,連翻身都有困難一晚要價超過新台幣10000元,實在有點給他誇張,要不是為爬富士山打死我也不會來,因為跟本難以入睡,隔天清晨1點多就要起床準備出發到山頂看[御來光],一路上都因人多而塞車,走走停停邊走邊打瞌睡,只是完成攻頂後又是走一步滑兩步,走不完漫長的之字形下坡深厚火山灰...
代誌大條囉,莎莎愷樂來到日本,將要執行一項艱難的任務...那就是她們要挑戰征服日本聖山~富士山!還組成了 girl power女力登山團,誓言直指富士山頂!去吧女孩們~拿出逛街瞎拼不喊累,勇往直前不退讓的GIRL POWER!一起向富士山宣戰吧! 店家資訊:http://goo.gl/ZY0rOi →繼續看富士山下部曲:https://youtu.be/YEO8mOlhIqc →回顧姊妹淘遊東京:https://youtu.be/f6wPnG_twgY ★密切鎖定《食尚玩家》現在訂閱➔https://goo.gl/qPt1tJ 每週一至週四晚間10點 TVBS歡樂台(42)首播 隔日中午 YouTube官方頻道/TVBS官網回播 ●完整內容在這裡也看的到:http://goo.gl/O6vyd8 ●按讚粉絲頁:https://goo.gl/oxZxBs
静岡、神奈川、東京、千葉 首都圏に広がる富士山噴火の被害の甚大さを覚えておけば、いざというときに役に立つでしょう。前回の噴火から300年が経過しているので、もうすぐ噴火してもおかしくないそうです。
2013.4.7西湖で撮影 作詞:巌谷小波 作曲:文部省唱歌 (一) あたまを 雲の上に出し 四方の 山を見おろして かみなりさまを 下に聞く 富士は日本一の山 (二) 青空高く そびえ立ち からだに雪の 着物着て 霞のすそを 遠くひく 富士は日本一の山
Book your travel activities at http://bit.ly/1MLH8k7 Take a full-day trip from Tokyo to Mt Fuji, Lake Ashi and MtKomagatake with a zippy return on the bullet train. Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/viatortravel?sub_confirmation=1 Download our mobile app: http://m.viator.com/mobileapps Connect with us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ViatorTours Twitter: https://twitter.com/ViatorTravel Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/viatortravel/ Vine: https://vine.co/Viator Blog: http://travelblog.viator.com/ What’s so great about Viator? Whether you're planning far in advance or already traveling, we’ve got you covered with our 24/7 customer support. After you've booked, access your paperless voucher right from our app, or add it directly to Passbook ®. We've got...
Hi ! I'm showing how to get to Mt.Fuji in this video ! How to buy a ticket, how to take a bus, etc... Also, I show around Kawaguchiko station and the fifth station of Mt.Fuji ! Please use it for your information to visit Japan :-) I'm Japanese and I speak English badly, sorry about that...! 【Soranoshita homepage】http://www.soranoshita.net/
Join me on my 5 day travel across Japan! We'll gaze at Mount Fuji, soak in onsens, have sashimi boats, scream from world record holdin' rollercoasters and lose ourselves watching the scramble of the Shibuya crossing. Interested in more travel videos? A week in Hong Kong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4H3oAdV3Ew Find me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dejashu Find me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shulikesclothes I love Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/shulikesclothes I also blog: http://www.shulikesclothes.com ... and vlog! http://www.youtube.com/dejashu ...and talk about food! http://www.shulikesfood.blogspot.com Music used with permission by the following artists: - Go check 'em out, they're aweeesome. Blank and Kytt (https://soundcloud.com/blankandkytt) Silent P...
Book your travel activities at http://www.viator.com/tokyo-day-trip Visit Japan’s iconic Mt Fuji, cruise Lake Ashi and ride the Mt Komagatake Ropeway on this popular day trip by deluxe coach from Tokyo. Enjoy sweeping views of celebrated Hakone National Park and learn about the region with your guide as you check out the Fuji Visitor Center and Mt Fuji’s 5th Station. Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/viatortravel?sub_confirmation=1 Download our mobile app: http://m.viator.com/mobileapps Connect with us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ViatorTours Twitter: https://twitter.com/ViatorTravel Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/viatortravel/ Vine: https://vine.co/Viator Blog: http://travelblog.viator.com/ What’s so great about Viator? Whether you're planning ...
Vlog Ep. 6 - Japan! SUBSCRIBE - http://bit.ly/1P91Uss NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEDNESDAY! ✩ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearekingingit/ ✩ www.kinging-it.com ✩ Twitter - https://twitter.com/kingingit100 ✩ Our Equipment: http://bit.ly/1NnK7by ✩$30 off your first Air Bnb Trip - http://bit.ly/2a9hngR We spent 10 days travelling from Tokyo to Mount Fuji, then heading to Kyoto and then Osaka. We also went to Joyopolis in Tokyo and Universal Studios in Osaka which was IMMENSE! :) Check it out! Also a few DJI Phantom 2 shots in for good measure ;) Our Top 10 Travel Essentials: J Pillow - http://amzn.to/2bg6fP5 Suitcase/Locker Lock: http://amzn.to/2bg73Ud Mosquito Net: http://amzn.to/2bg57em Mosquito Deet Spray: http://amzn.to/2bhwb91 After Bite: http://amzn.to/2aLU0JF Bite Zapper: http://...
Include a day tour to the iconic Mt Fuji when you visit Tokyo http://www.city-discovery.com/tokyo/attraction-2270-mount-fuji An easy day tour, the sacred Mt Fuji is reachable by motorcoach or high-speed bullet train (aka Shinkansen) from Tokyo (or even from Osaka, Nagoya or Kyoto.) The most popular day tours combine a visit to Mt Fuji's 5th station with a cruise on Lake Ashi/Hakone Lake, a Komagatake Ropeway cable car ride, and an option to return by the famous Japanese high-speed Shinkansen. Mt Fuji's distinct snowcapped peak can be viewed from the Mount Fuji 5th station, Lake Hakone, and the Komagatake Ropeway. On clear days it can be seen from the Tokyo city center! Enjoy a commentary on Tokyo on the way to Mt Fuji as your guide points out some special sights (Tokyo Tower!). You can...
Take a tour of Mount Fuji in Japan -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Naomi and I am very excited to show you the world's greatest attractions. Towering over the horizon to the west of Tokyo is the regal Mount Fuji. This iconic mountain is Japans tallest and one of the most impressive in the world. The beauty of Mount Fuji has made it a central piece in Japans art and religion. The climbing seasons run from July to August when conditions are optimal. Besides going for a hike many visitors like to camp the neighboring areas. Mount Fuji isn't the only attraction the mountain is surrounded by a lovely national park. whether your on the mountain or nearby you're experiencing a natural piece of art. Thank you for watching our travel video ser...
Part 2 of a 3 week trip to different cities in Japan.
Naik kapal muter-muter Kawaguchiko Lake sambil ngeliat pemandangan GUNUNG FUJI! Baca tulisan lengkap tentang perjalanan kami di blog: Bena: www.benablog.com Aulion: www.aulion.com Bintang: www.sugarandspace.com Vendryana: www.moinblog.com Video ini adalah video hari ke-3 kami di Jepang, jangan lupa subscribe supaya nggak ketinggalan video berikutnya! Total ada 4 video! :) Nonton juga video hari ke-1 Tokyo Rail Days Trip saat kami ke Kawazu Sakura: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKV6Nu0mO20 Gala Yuzawa Ski Resort (Hari ke-2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Tw3DGT4BFk Edo Wonderland! (Hari ke-3): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDHubBYD6_A video by @aulion @benakribo @vendryana @mahacakrie