Five top tips to help you manage your online privacy.

Number-1-blue_4076 Be Informed
Online behavioural advertising is safe and transparent. Advertisers don’t know who you are because the information that is collected can’t be used to identify you. Take a moment to learn more about behavioural advertising.
number-3-pink_4077 Look for information on websites you’re visiting
Each website that serves behavioural advertising should have some useful information about the collection and use of data for this purpose in their privacy policy, whether it is collected by that particular website owner or a third party provider, such as an advertising network.
three_4191 Know that you have a choice
Signatories serving behavioural advertising will also provide you with more information about how to decline behavioural advertising. Opt out of behavioural advertising.
number4pink_4079 Get a bit more familiar with the privacy settings on your computer
These can be found in the ‘options’ menu of your browser. When selecting options relating to cookies, remember that they often make websites a bit more user-friendly (for example, remembering site preferences and language settings).

The example below shows how privacy settings can be managed in Internet Explorer

privacy at medium

Advanced privacy settings

Choose privacy settings to suit your household’s needs.

Everybody uses the internet in different ways and for varying purposes. In households where more than one person uses the same computer, we suggest that each user has its own ‘user account’. This allows privacy settings (for example cookie settings or opt out preferences) to be tailored to the needs and requirements of each user.

user accounts
