
Warlike: A review of Black and Green Review No. 3

  • Posted on: 8 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Black and Green Review comes out twice a year from the United States. We are not going to explain how we got a copy on this side of the border but we did and we read it. We are not going to review the whole magazine (or small book) either. We are going to look at the most important articles and offer the eco-extremist point of view, especially from the view of what was ancient Mesoamerica. Even though we have harsh criticisms of this magazine, we appreciate the opportunity to discuss its content.

Primitivism and the "Regressive Left"

  • Posted on: 29 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Wildism

Among the weak arguments against Progress, there is the peculiar case of dominant ideologies hosting factions that reject it in the name of dominant values. The so-called “regressive left” is an example of this from humanism. The regressive left argues that Western civilization embodies power structures that prevent it from living up to humanist or post-humanist values. That is, these structures either prevent Western civilization from acknowledging the equal moral worth of all humans, or from acknowledging the moral standing of humans plus something else, like sentient animals or nature. For instance, Merchant (1980, p. 278) writes,

Which Side Podcast – Alice Carnes & John Zerzan

  • Posted on: 19 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Which Side PodcastEpisode 193: We talk with Alice Carnes & John Zerzan; Anarchists, primitivist philosophers and authors. We discuss Anti-Civilization, Activism, Green Anarchism, Primitivism, Nihilism, Post-Modernism and Much More. #fsd

Listen here:

Ted Kaczynski and Why He Matters

  • Posted on: 7 May 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Dark Mountain:

The Unabomber Affair

Ted Kaczynski, also known as the ‘Unabomber’, is a US terrorist known for his 17-year bombing campaign as the terror group ‘FC’, which targeted individuals involved in technical fields like computing and genetics.

In early 1995, the New York Times received a communique from FC in the mail:

Anarcho-Primitivism Is Not Just Another Ideology: An Interview with John Zerzan

  • Posted on: 24 April 2016
  • By: more-thought

“Are people happy with domestication, with leading domesticated lives? I think the answer is, resoundingly, 'no'.” - John Zerzan

From the site 'More Thought': (see this site for a PDF of the interview and a Czech translation of the interview)

This interview took place in December 2015, during the Ekofilm festival in the city of Brno, the Czech Republic, and was transcribed and edited April 2016.

Anarchy Radio 03-22-2016

  • Posted on: 22 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Primitivist week at Postmodern twins: Trump and Aragorn!. Self-lacing sneakers, wired homes that "listen," automatic brakes vs. Marshall Islanders who've navigated for thousands of years without instruments. Infectious diseases increase, traffic everywhere worsens. Huawei ad: Decades of patient investment for a moment of divine clarity." Resistance news.

Topic of the Week: Green Anarchism

  • Posted on: 21 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

How do green or ecological factors affect your thoughts or actions as anarchists, if at all?

What is the importance of indigenous resistance or solidarity as green anarchists, now and moving into the future? What are the implications of the notion that civilization has encroached over every space on the planet, and is there any hope for escape? Would such an escape look like something completely different than anything we’ve known in the past, or would it resemble historical modes of living such as hunter/gatherers? Are tools and technology separated from or a part of nature, i.e. is there a distinction between what is natural and what is artificial? If so, what importance does such a distinction play in the everyday life of people (or yourself) today? Can terms such as wildness or domestication be useful or elaborated on or are they merely jargon or loaded concepts?

Wildism: The Nasty End-Game of Primitivism

  • Posted on: 16 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Recently we've seen a few newcomers to anti-civilization politics, from The Unterrified to Jeriah Bowser to some oddly liberal writers who blog in various places. But one of these newcomers, the wildists, who are closely connected to Ted Kaczynski, do not only exhibit the most dangerous tendencies of primitivism, they distill the reactionary politic into its most heinous concepts. In fact, they even embrace the term "reactionary." Because of this, I actually welcome the wildists. For a long time anarchists from non-primitivist tendencies have been warning that people like Zerzan and Tucker are playing with fire, and now we can finally see what the endgame looks like.

When I Say Anti-Civilization

  • Posted on: 6 July 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From: Svbtle

When I say anti-civilization, I am using a term which carries many negative connotations within the anarchist milieu. The reaction to the term is usually a kneejerk one, with the same objections rehashed over and over again. Perhaps opponents of anti-civ thought are opposed to it because it outs their own ideas as hierarchical. Perhaps these opponents simply don’t understand the points behind it. Either way, I’d like to clarify…
