
  • mariejosee

    Sunday, November 20th, 2016

    Train Blockade in Solidarity With Standing Rock

    Around a dozen people shut down the train tracks in Pointe-St-Charles on Tuesday, as a motion of solidarity with the Indigenous-led struggle against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Approximately 50 more protesters listened to speeches in nearby Parc de la Congregation as the rails were blocked.

  • Sunday, November 20th, 2016

    Activists Lockdown to TransNord Pipeline

    Oka, Quebec, Mohawk Territory, November 18, 2016 – Women concerned about the threat to potable water are currently blocking access to a valve on a pipeline that has been condemned by two dissenting members of the National Energy Board (NEB).

  • barricade-2-1

    Sunday, November 20th, 2016

    Olympia Stand Rail Blockade Evicted

    Early in the morning of November 17, 2016, a coalition of law enforcement agencies, including local and railroad police, violently evicted the Olympia Stand rail blockade encampment in downtown Olympia, Washington.


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