Magnum In Motion online essays add new dimensions to to the traditional photographic narrative, using a combination of photos, audio, video, graphics, and interactivity.
Thomas Dworzak

Because of strict Islamic laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, more liberal minded Iranians need to travel abroad to celebrate Nowrooz in freedom. Thomas Dworzak takes a look at the Nowrooz celebrations in Georgia.

Chris Steele-Perkins

In Memoriam - March 11th 2011

Chris Steele-Perkins

In Memoriam - March 11th 2011

Bruce Gilden

After documenting foreclosures in Florida, Detroit and Fresno, Bruce Gilden went to Las Vegas and Reno to continue his series on foreclosed homes. Las Vegas reclaimed the title as the foreclosure capital of the country in February, 2012. The city’s foreclosure rate of one filing for every 60 households was seven times the national average.

Dominic Nahr

On January 27th, 2011, Dominic Nahr began documenting mass protests in Cairo that ousted former president Hosni Mubarak and ignited similar struggles throughout the middle east. This multimedia photo essay combines many unpublished images by Nahr woven with audio he recorded from Tahrir Square. Dominic Nahr was commisioned by TIME to do this reportage.

Magnum photographers

Magnum photographers and friends remember the late Eve Arnold.

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