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Vargic's Miscellany of Curious Maps : Mapping Out the Modern World - Martin Vargic

Vargic's Miscellany of Curious Maps

Mapping Out the Modern World


Published: 23rd September 2015
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7 to 10 business days

Do you . . .
Enjoy an unsophisticated stereotype against your better judgement?
Ever wonder about the future of Europe?
Secretly want to know if you are better endowed that your average?!

Vargic's Miscellany of Curious Maps holds the answer, and many more besides.

19th Century cartography meets 21st Century creativity in this stunning collection of maps. From the sprawling Map of the Internet, to the moderately sized Map of Paranormal Activity, down to the mini Map of Heavy Metal Bands per 100,000 - you will be absorbed into this atlas of everything.

About the Author

Martin Vargic (Author, Illustrator) Martin Vargic is a 17-year-old senior student and amateur graphic designer from Slovakia who rose to international fame in late January 2014, when his work Map of the Internet 1.0 went viral, generating hundreds of thousands of hits and Facebook shares. It was subsequently featured on Mashable, Yahoo, The Daily Mail online, The Independent Slate, Fox News, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Gizmodo and dozens of other sites worldwide. He also works under the name Jay Simmons. In subsequent months, Vargic published several other maps in his portfolio on his website, halcyonmaps.com, each of which were picked up all over the Internet. In his latest work, the Map of Stereotypes, which took him over 4 months to finish, Vargic pulled together more than 1800 cliches and pop culture references into a map based on the stereotypical westerner's view of the world. It too received immediate media attention, and was prominently featured on a multitude of sites such as Slate, The Huffington Post, RT and many others.

ISBN: 9780718181147
ISBN-10: 9780718181147
Audience: Tertiary; University or College
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 128
Published: 23rd September 2015
Country of Publication: GB
Dimensions (cm): 31.1 x 26.3  x 2.7
Weight (kg): 1.46
Edition Number: 1