WA News

Perth Stadium footbridge could now cost a whopping $70 million

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The cost of the multi-million footbridge across the Swan River from East Perth to the new stadium at Burswood could blow out to a whopping $70 million.

The steel cable-stay bridge, which will give sport punters a seamless walk to the Perth Stadium from the city, was originally budgeted at $54 million by the Barnett government.

The cost to build the iconic bridge to the new Perth Stadium could now cost $70 million.
The cost to build the iconic bridge to the new Perth Stadium could now cost $70 million. Photo: Supplied

But according to the Sunday Times an extra $16 million could be added to the bill to finish the construction on the distinctive "ribbon" bridge, which is expected to carry 14,000 footy fans on game days once the new stadium opens for the 2018 AFL season.

Bridge's builder York Rizzani has asked the WA government for an extra $9 million due to the change in the alignment of the bridge last year.

If you throw in Main Roads's latest report, which claims the final cost of the project was now $61 million, the total cost of the construction could be as high as $70 million.

"The annual report (Main Roads) figure of $61 million is the total cost figure for the project which includes $7 million of Main Roads management and contingency costs," Transport Minister Bill Marmion told the Sunday Times.


"The construction component is $54 million which was rewarded to York Rizzani.

"The alignment of the bridge moved 20 metres south, at the abutment on the Burswood side, compared to the original alignment at tender. This changed occurred in August last year, early in the detailed design phase.

"York Rizzani has made a claim lodged with the state regarding the alignment.

"The state has not accepted the claim but is currently following a resolution process with the contractor to finalise the issue."

Last month, Mr Marmion confirmed the bridge, which is being built in Malaysia, wouldn't be "operational" until at least six months after its original opening date in early 2017.

The bridge will be 65 metres at its highest point and stretch 400 metres from bank to bank, with a steel cable-stay span of 160 metres at its centre. 

When the design for the bridge was launched last year, Premier Colin Barnett could barely contain his excitement.

"Can you imagine the atmosphere on match days with thousands of spectators streaming across this picturesque setting?," he  said. 

"Some people will look at the design and see swans, others will see a Wagyl taking shape or a dolphin - and that's perfect for this river environment."

State opposition leader Mark McGowan said Barnett government had again shown huge incompetence when it comes to capital works.

"They are going to build the footbridge overseas, it's poorly planned and now there is a huge cost blowout and the minister appears not to care," he said.

"Every householder across WA should be disturbed."
