Cook Islands national consultations with UN Agencies

Close to a 100 participants attended the 2-day national consultations with UN Agencies in an effort to engage government and key stakeholders from various NGOS and the private sector in a consultative process to build linkages and to contribute national priorities in the development of the new UN Pacific Strategy 2018-2022. The discussions also placed significant importance on the comparative advantage and mandate of the UN in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Global Agenda.

Domestic Resources Dominate Development Finance in Asia
Domestic Resources Dominate Development Finance in Asia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Asia-Pacific Development Effectiveness Facility (AP-DEF) opened a two-day meeting on aid ahead of the upcoming Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. More than 100 government delegates and development experts are exploring how to design integrated national financing frameworks for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Asia-Pacific. “Domestic sources of finance are emerging as a key driving force for sustainable development in Asia-Pacific,” said Haoliang Xu, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director for Asia and the Pacific. “These new sources of finance allow us to expand the existing development cooperation and partnership.”

Niue national consultations develop new UN Pacific Strategy

The One UN team and the Government of Niue completed 2-days (05-06 October) of national multi-stakeholder consultations and reached an understanding on potential areas of UN support strongly linked to the Niue National Strategic Plan. The consultations engaged government and key stakeholders from various...

UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme assist Sapapalii improve its biodiversity

Coastal communities in Samoa suffer the greatest impact of climate change in the country. Sapapalii, a coastal community on southeast Savaii is one of the many rural communities experiencing the extremes of weather. The most recent disaster was in 2012 when Cyclone Evan completely damaged the only bridge...

UNDP GEF-AF Sub Regional Project Management Meeting

National Project managers and Coordinators of UNDP Global Environment Fund (GEF) and Adaptation Fund (AF) projects implemented by UNDP Samoa Multi-County Office for Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau are meeting for three days this week in Apia, from 29th – 30th August 2016 at the Taumeasina Island Resort....

Tokelau and UN Consultations to inform the new UN Pacific Strategy

Senior public servants of Tokelau have deliberated in a participatory forum and have recommended for the UN to focus development assistance on its five key thematic and priority areas - Good Governance and Partnerships; Infrastructure Development; Human Development; Sustainability; and, Resilience against...

Launch of Samoa Hardship and Poverty Report and Report on Samoa Agricultural Survey

The importance of statistics as a basis for both monitoring progress and providing the evidence needed for better policy making in a globally competitive economic environment is significant to meeting the challenges contained in the SAMOA Pathway and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), said Minister of the...

UNDP-GEF Project Enhanced Resilience of Beach Fales

Small scale beach fales are iconic with Samoan tourism. These family-run operations, mainly concentrating along the white sandy beaches of southeast Upolu, Manono island, as well as northeast and southeast of Savaii are all located within 20 meters of the seashore.  The simple huts are built from local wood for...

Inception Workshop for GEF-funded Ridge to Reef Niue Project

The Ridge to Reef project for Niue had its inception workshop on Thursday 07th July 2016 at the Niue Golf and Sports club in Fonuakula, Alofi.

UN Youth NZ Students Visit UNDP Samoa Office

The week-long visit to Samoa, which also included a visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, a courtesy call to the NZ High Commission Office, and visit to some cultural sites is part of the annual Pacific Project for UN Youth New Zealand, a non-profit organisation that promotes global citizenship and civic education to young people.

Launch of the new Sub-Regional Strategy of the UNDP Small Grants Programme (SGP)

The lush greenery of the Samoa Cultural Centre, A’ai o Aganu’u Samoa was the picture perfect setting for the recent launch of the Small Grants Programme Sub-Regional Strategy 2015-2018 for Samoa, Tokelau and Niue organised by the Small Grants Programme (SGP) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

World Environment Day Focus on Protecting Wildlife

This year, the World Environment Day of the UN Environment Programme was celebrated on the 5th of June. The focus this year is on illegal trade in wildlife, such as the killing of elephants for their ivory.

UN to focus on improving the lives of the most vulnerable

Fifty representatives from the Government of Samoa and Tokelau, together with civil society organizations, private sector, United Nations agencies and other development partners gathered last Thursday at the Tatte Building, in Apia, to attend the consultation organized by the United Nations Country Team in Samoa.

How to work together with the UN

More than fifty representatives of civil society organizations, the private sector and other development partners attended the consultation organized last Thursday by the United Nations Country Team in Samoa. The objective of the consultation was to increase the understanding of United Nations’ work in Samoa...