
Peter FitzSimons

Peter FitzSimons is an Australian journalist and author, based in Sydney. He is also a former Wallabies player.

Ready to serve: Senator Pauline Hanson is not a total waste of space.

Did anyone think One Nation would be better this time?

It would be hilarious if it wasn't such a colossal waste of public resources, of a valuable position within the wheels of Australian democracy, which would be better served by having someone who could tie their shoelaces.

Steve Price and Jamila Rizvi duelling on The Project after the US election.

Shock jocks don't need someone to come to their defence

The most hilarious story of the week? That would be the petition circulating, now with 35,000 signatures, calling on The Project host Carrie Bickmore to apologise for – and I'm not making this up – the "leftist bullying" of 2GB shock jock Steve Price, in a robust discussion on Donald Trump.

President-elect Donald Trump did a great job of motivating the disgruntled.

All hail our buffer against an Aussie Trump

The horrifying ascendancy of Donald Trump? The very idea of having in the Oval Office, in the most powerful office in the world, someone with such a track record of bullying bellicosity, of financial recklessness, gross disrespect of women and wanton disregard for such important issues as climate change?

A surprising amount of people in Australia really think England does it better.

The English don't do it better than us

The republic debate I did with Professor David Flint at NSW Parliament House last Monday, in front of 200 members of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy? It went well!

Andrew Fifita: Was not selected in the Kangaroos squad for the Four Nations tournament on "character" grounds.

The issues with Fifita are wider than his friendships

As if you didn't know, an extraordinary defence of the footballer Andrew Fifita was launched by Senator David Leyonhjelm this week, decrying the fact that the Cronulla forward was left out of the Australian team, despite being undoubtedly the best player in his position.