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I'm no Enright replacement: Tuohy

New chapter: Blue turned Cat Zach Tuohy says the AFL is a cut-throat industry.

New Geelong defender Zach Tuohy has no intention of trying to fill the huge void left by the retirement of club legend Corey Enright.

Where next for 'tarnished' $A?

The Aussie dollar has fallen below US74c.

The Australian dollar continues to tumble as traders abandon it for the greenback but commodity prices are limiting downside.

Lumumba missing from Melbourne training

No show: Heritier Lumumba was not present at Melbourne training.

Two weeks ago, Melbourne coach Simon Goodwin said Heritier Lumumba had been "totally cleared" of concussion and was expected to resume training on the 21st of November.

Goldman turns bullish on economy and $A

Despite the mini-boom in commodity prices, the Aussie dollar has over the past months hardly strengthened.

In a surprisingly upbeat note, Goldman Sachs has upgraded its growth forecasts and says there is a chance the RBA will start lifting interest rates next year.

Patient tissue to be 3D-printed at Herston

Animation of what the Biofabrication Institute would look like.

A Biofabrication Institute that will image, model and manufacture 3D patient-specific tissues under one roof was announced at the Herston Health Precinct on Monday and will be the first of its kind in Australia.

Holmes, Taumalolo to trial for NFL

US jaunt: Valentine Holmes during  the Four Nations fiinal.

SYDNEY, Nov 21 AAP - NRL stars Jason Taumalolo and Valentine Holmes have reportedly travelled to the US to participate in secret NFL trials.

Deliveroo for a day

Getting fit, accomplishing tasks and making money. But can Deliveroo be full time?

My adventure to find out if this was the future of work, or just a flash in the pan sustained through the generosity of venture capital investors.