Workshop "Modern Trends in regional trade agreements and their impact on the accession of the Republic of Belarus to the WTO"

From 9th to 10th of November a national workshop "Modern Trends in regional trade agreements and their impact on the accession of the Republic of Belarus to the WTO” was held at the joint initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the Secretariat of the World Trade Organisation.

Two projects from Imaguru Smart Cities Hackathon will get the support of UNDP in Belarus

UNDP in Belarus will support the further development of two projects developed during the Imagugu Smart Cities Hackathon held in Minsk on 4-6 November.

The first eco-class for the sustainable use of natural resources opens In Vitebsk region of Belarus

The first Belarusian eco-class is equipped with modern interactive tools and devices for students to learn about the local nature features and unique Yelnya peatland in particular.

 The Main Contest of Local Initiatives of the EU-UNDP project “Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus” will be conducted from October 10 until November 30, 2016.
EU-UNDP project announced a new contest of local initiatives in 30 districts of Belarus

The Main Contest of Local Initiatives of the EU-UNDP project “Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus” will be conducted from October 10 until November 30, 2016. District executive committees and district councils of deputies hold the organisation of the Contest.

Sapropel extraction in Zhitkovichi becomes non-waste innovative production

Solemn ceremony of modern equipment transfer provided by EU-UNDP "Green Economy”project”, took place In Zhitkovichi, Gomel region at "Zhitkovichikhimservis” company. The company is implementing pilot initiative on production of highly efficient organic fertilizers through advanced sapropeles processing.

The first energy efficient house in Mahiliou among energy efficiency leaders in 2016

The first energy efficient house in Mahiliou was the winner in the category “The Energy Efficient Buildings” of the second republican contest “Energy Efficiency Leader 2016”. In November 2013, that multistory energy efficient residential building in the Mahiliou “Sputnik” neighborhood was included in the list of pilot facilities of the UNDP-GEF Project “Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings”.

Workshop "Application of subsidies by the members of the World Trade Organization"

The workshop "Application of subsidies by the members of the World Trade Organization" was held in Minsk on October 18, 2016 for the representatives of Belarusian ministries and governmental organizations.

Bike 4 SDGs
Bike 4 SDGs

“Bike 4 SDGs” – a bike ride which will celebrate Sustainable Development Goals focusing on inclusion, environment, healthy lifestyle and partnership.


Almost a year ago, UN70 Express steamed through cities towns of Belarus advocating Sustainable Development Goals in a new and unique format. The day has come when we are ready with a new "Inclusive Belarus" initiative that starts this October.

The video instructions on Standard Operating Procedures

The video instructions on SOPs usage is a documented algorithm of actions for the implementation of operating procedures designed to fulfill the requirements of standards for the provision of services to victims

Turkmenistan’s specialists on energy efficiency, "Thank you Belarus!"

UNDP in Belarus shares its experience of constructing energy efficient houses with Turkmenistan

International Forum of Women Leaders on 21 June 2016 in Minsk, Belarus.

Read the full transcript of the statement delivered a the event by UN Resident Coordinator / UNDP Resident Representative in Belarus Sanaka Samarasinha.