Frackers Knew: Fossil Fuel Industry Has Known since 1967 that Injection Wells Cause Earthquakes, despite Denials

On August 9, 1967, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake struck Northglenn, a northern suburb of Denver, Colorado. The Associated Press wrote that it was “the severest earthquake ever recorded” in the city’s history. Building foundations cracked, windows broke, bricks flew off of downtown rooftops.

Don McGahn, Trump Transition Lawyer, Has Long Courted Controversy

President-elect Donald Trump has put the chief lawyer for his campaign, Don McGahn, in charge of legal issues for his transition team.

Historic Victory Against Hyper-Partisan Gerrymandering Emerges from Wisconsin

A federal court threw out Wisconsin's gerrymandered voting maps in a major case with national implications.

Fracking Special Interests Spent Big in 2016 Elections

According to FEC filings, corporations that profit from fracking funneled millions to PACs in the 2016 election cycle.

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There is a "sucker punch" aspect of this entire episode, that has been used in the past, that makes it doubly despicable. The now dead open records issue was so completely outrageous and unexpected that it served its intended purpose – to draw attention away from the many other very contentious and controversial aspects of this budget. And that was exactly what Walker and the majority Republicans wanted to happen.

--Jay Heck, Common Cause in Wisconsin

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