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Broadcasting Pioneer

In 1932 the Sydney Harbour Bridge was still under construction and the hottest social media was local Radio (there was no TV).

In a visionary step, in that same year, the NSW Council of Churches obtained a Radio license from the government and began broadcasting, having established a brand new Sydney radio station called 2CH (‘CH’ stands for ‘Churches’). For over 84 years the Council of Churches has been broadcasting in some manner. Over the past 22 years this has been in successful partnership with the Macquarie Network.

The Council is grateful to participate in the great commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) ‘Love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself’. This is God’s mission plan for human society, founded in creation. We are also part of the great commission given by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) ‘Go and make disciples..in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’. This is God’s mission plan for a new humanity in Christ.

Today the Council of Churches in NSW is the peak Protestant body for the Anglican, Baptist, Reformed, Churches of Christ, Congregational, Presbyterian and Salvation Army churches in the region.

Hopefully ‘Advancing a Christian Perspective’ and ‘Making an Eternal Difference’

Warm regards,

Wayne Richards, Executive Director
