The news just came in – Ram Charan‘s Dhruva is all set for a December 9 release. As per earlier reports, the movie was to release on December 2 but looks Modi’s demonetisation move has caused movie makers to push their release forward or cancel them altogether. just two-three days ago, as per a report in a leading daily, here’s what they had to say, “Another film, Dhruva, starring megastar and Congress MP K Chiranjeevi’s son, Ram Charan Teja, is set for release on December 2, but it may get postponed if the cash crunch continues another week.” Considering the situation, it seems to be a wise move on behalf of the Dhruva team.
For all those who don’t know, Dhruva is the Telugu remake of the Tamil hit movie Thani Oruvan. It also stars Rakul Preet Singh. Arvind Swamy will reprise his famous negative from the original. It was this role that marked Arvind’s glorious comeback to Kollywood. But Dhruva is not the only action packed movie releasing in December. There’s also the much awaited Singam 3 that is set for release on December 16. Now that Ram charan’s Dhruva is releasing on 9, there’s only a week’s gap between both cop dramas. Apart from awaiting Dhruva’s release, Ram Charan has another reason to be thrilled. He was recently felicitated with the The Youth Iocn Award at the Asia Vision 2016 awards. “I’m truly humbled to receive this award .I hope to set a responsible example for the youth and be worthy of this honor” said the actor on receving the Award. He looked every bit his stylish self at this event. All that rigorous working out for Dhruva has surely paid off. One can tell from his super toned physique. Dhruva Music Review: Neethoney dance is the biggest highlight in the album
But Dhruva is not the only thing that is keeping Ram Charan busy. He is also supervising his production debut project – Khaidi no 150. The movie marks the comeback of his megastar father Chiranjeevi to the big screen after a long gap. He will be seen opposite Kajal Aggarwal. The movie is remake of Tamil movie Kaththi but it has been tweaked to suit the Telugu audience. The movie is set for a Pongal release.