ACT News

30,000 Canberrans ask the government to fix their streets

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Street lights, pot holes and footpaths are perennial issues for Canberrans, with more than 7500 complaints being registered on Fix My Street in the last financial year.

The figures come from the Fix My Street portal, where people can log reports about issues or complaints directly with the ACT government.

It's not all sunshine and roses at playgrounds in Yarralumla, according to data from Fix My Street.
It's not all sunshine and roses at playgrounds in Yarralumla, according to data from Fix My Street. Photo: Kate Leith

A total of 31,470 submissions were logged in 2015-16, an eight per cent increase on the year prior and a huge 250 per cent increase from when the portal was introduced in 2010.

According to the data, southsiders are the most likely to whinge about their environment. The most reports for playgrounds came from Yarralumla, the most abandoned vehicles were in Kambah and Phillip had the most reports of graffiti. Kambah also held the record for the most reports of issues with grass and trees and shrubs.

Topping the list across the territory with 6378 complaints was issues with trees and shrubs, with requests for the removal of dangerous trees or overhanging branches the likely culprits.

It was closely followed by 5080 submissions about street lights, and 2242 about abandoned vehicles. Roads had 2168 issues logged, followed by litter and illegal dumping with more than 1800. Footpaths were in sixth place with 1619 issues reported.


Traffic and road signs and graffiti complaints both received about 1200 submissions. There were 910 issues with playgrounds, 830 with pot holes and 521 submissions regarding street sweeping.

Of the 910 playground issues reported, Yarralumla had the most with 47. The submissions included plumbing issues with the irrigation system, a leaking bubbler, dogs chasing birds, a hole in the fence at the dog park and damage to park furniture, according to a spokesman for Transport Canberra and City Services.

The spokesman said TCCS welcomed feedback from the community in relation to issues with public amenities.

"These issues are sent to TCCS to manage and a program is in place to maintain urban parks and open spaces," he said.

"Urgent safety issues are addressed as a high priority while less urgent issues are added to a rolling maintenance program. TCCS works hard to prioritise and address any concerns."

Other reportable issues that weren't in the top 10 include abandoned shopping trolleys and garbage collection. 

The portal went mobile three years ago, with issues now able to be logged as they're found.
