WA News

WA leavers: - no booze - but here's 10,000 condoms

For thousands of WA school leavers anticipation is reaching fever pitch this weekend with the parties due to kick off on Monday.

Around 7000 leavers will pack into Dunsborough, Busselton and Yallingup and Rottnest is booked out too.

The party zone in Dunsborough during leavers' celebrations last year.
The party zone in Dunsborough during leavers' celebrations last year. Photo: Dunsborough Busselton Mail

The official Dunsborough party zone will, as always, be alcohol free and judging by the videos and photographs of the wild dancing there the lack of alcohol doesn't doesn't stop the fun.

And volunteers have been busy preparing leavers for the possibility of other fun activities too. The WA Aids Council has been busy running its Keep it Safe Summer campaign again doing everything they can to help young people avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

Schoolies, swim, dance and drink at the Bounty Hotel, Kuta.
Schoolies, swim, dance and drink at the Bounty Hotel, Kuta. Photo: Jason Childs/Traveller.com.au

In 2015 their volunteers handed out 10,000 condoms ahead of the leavers celebrations.

"Volunteers from the WA Aids Council conducted over 465 hours of outreach, handed out 10,000 condoms and supported young people to celebrate safely and look after their mates," said a statement on the council's website.


Meanwhile the WA police have been active too running a major pre-leavers drug operation.

Officers seized over 150 packages in an operation which targeted drugs being distributed by post. Among the drugs confiscated were ecstasy pills, methamphetamine, cocaine, LSD and cannabis.

Acting Commander John Ballantyne said that while it can't be said that all the drugs were destined for leavers celebrations the operation should send a clear message to anyone considering selling drugs that they will be identified and stopped.

"Some of the intended recipients have been identified as being 17 and 18 years old so it is not unreasonable to suggest that some of those drugs were destined for leavers," he said.

But most people involved with organising the WA celebrations are expecting that the vast majority of the leavers will have a great time and won't end up in trouble.

"We're expecting a fun, exciting, adventurous week," said Cassandra Atkinson from the Four Seasons Holiday Park in Busselton.

"We're booked out and we're expecting everyone to have a great time.

"We've hired security guards, and no alcohol is allowed in the park for the week. That applies to everyone in the park, not just leavers," she said.

"We look after them well and put on a free sausage sizzle every night. Having paid for travel and accommodation sometimes the last thing the leavers think off is food," she said.

Cost is a factor for leavers to consider. Like other parks in the area the Four Seasons offers special leavers packages. The 6 people for five nights package comes to $3,900. That works out at $130 per person per night - or $650 for the five nights.

On top of that is the $110 for the wristband that entitles the leavers to all the activities in the party zone. Then there is the cost of food for the week too.

Suddenly the cost of the week is breaking through the thousand dollar barrier.

It's no wonder then that others see leavers celebrations in Bali as better value for money.

SureThing Schoolies is offering return flights, hotel, and free parties for leavers for $1200 for seven nights.

The packages include free breakfasts, welcome drinks, cocktails, cruises and finger food at the nightly parties.

"We are expecting around 6000 aussies to go to Bali for leavers parties this year," said Nickey Bright from the Red Frogs chaplaincy group.

"We'll have 32 volunteers at 15 hotels across Bali, mainly in Kuta. We'll be at the parties and on the streets to offer help to any leavers who need it," she said.

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