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Kidspot Pregnancy


From the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy to your health while expecting, we’ve got you covered! Try our pregnancy weight gain calculator and find out when to expect bub with our due date calculator too.

How do you know if you're pregnant? Read these signs and symptoms of pregnancy and find out if you're going to have a baby!

What does pregnancy testing involve? Find out just what having a pregnancy test means and the different ways you can have one.

Here's what you need to know about miscarriage including the signs that you might be losing your baby and what to do if you think you are miscarrying.

You need to look after yourself in pregnancy so here's all you need to know about your health in pregnancy. How to keep healthy while expecting and what all those health niggles mean.

It's normal to worry about your baby's health when you're pregnant with them. Find out all about foetal health here and separate the facts from the fiction.

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Pregnant mum with cancer says "angel" baby gave her the will to survive

Woman's mother-in-law ruined family's baby gender surprise

Pregnant women are lining up to meet a bump-kissing orangutan

Pregnant woman aborts after scan reveals "mermaid" foetus

After losing two sets of premature twins, Oliver truly is a "miracle baby"

When you accidentally set your vagina on fire with chilli oil...