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15 active games to get kids away from their screens

Jo Harris

Take a stand against technology! Introduce your kids to the thrill of these active outdoor games and they’ll never want to play Minecraft again (or at least not for a whole afternoon!).


Fill their lungs with air and let the breeze blow through their hair - that’s what childhood is all about. Here are 15 ludicrously fun chasing games to get those little legs moving.

1. Cat and mouse

The aim of this active game is to help the mouse escape the clutches of the playful cat. There will be squeals of excitement!

2. Flashlight tag


This night-time twist on a traditional game of tag promises plenty of exercise and a massive adrenalin rush.

3. What’s the time Mr Wolf?

Who will be caught by the hungry wolf at dinner time? This is all about survival of the quickest!

4. Hospital tag

Get tagged three times and you’re out! This hilarious chasing game will give the kids a belly laugh like nothing else.

5. Thief

Can you steal the lollies from the blindfolded keeper? In this game your powers of stealth and trickery will really be put to the test.

6. Hose head

Now for an active chasing game that is also a complete giggle fest! Just try and keep a straight face when everyone has a pair of tights on their head.

7. Superhero chasey


Even caped crusaders love to run amok outdoors, playing chasing games. And this energetic game is proof!

8. Chain tag

Get tagged in this game of chase and capture, and you’ll be put straight to work on the chain gang. Here, laughing is not only permitted - it’s a necessity.

9. Duck, duck, goose

Whether you’re a duck or a goose, you are guaranteed to cheer, clap and scream your way through this thrilling game of chase.

10. Annie Annie over

What do you get when you add a ball to an already exhilarating chasing game? A whole lot of extra fun!

11. Stuck in the mud

Loved by kids the world over, this classic active outdoor game just never seems to get old.

12. Blind man’s bluff


You might not be able to see in this game of tag, but if you’re quiet you just might hear your opponents or perhaps even smell their fear!

See here for the rules of the Blind man’s bluff game.

13. Capture the flag

Find your opponents hidden flag and your team will be victorious. But get caught in the process and victory might get snatched away.

14. Fire on the mountain

Speed is the key to winning this high intensity running game. Be quick, find a partner or you’ll be out!

15. Fox and geese

You can run but you cannot hide. This creative game requires you to think strategically to avoid being tagged.