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Mum warns of the cot set-up that nearly killed her baby

Madeline Hoskin |

Alison Johnson had no idea she had set her kids’ cribs up in a dangerous way … until the worst very nearly happened. This is something all parents of twins (or kids close in age) need to see.


Loving mother of twins, Alison Johnson had no idea that the way she set up her nursery could ever endanger her little ones.

When you see the cot arrangement that could have seriously harmed her son Caleb, you’ll understand why she never thought it would be a problem.

This is the danger zone:

I have a lot of friends that have twins or kids close in age that may have a similar set up, so I wanted to share...

Posted by Alison Johnson on Monday, April 4, 2016


With two kids the same age, it made sense for Alison to put their cribs next to one another. However, the small gap between the two beds almost proved fatal once her babies reached crawling age.

As she says in her Facebook post, Alison, from the US, put her son down for a nap, and after a few minutes, heard him crying. When she went in the nursery she found him stuck between the two cribs.

“His body fit through, but his head wouldn’t. He was using every ounce of energy he had to hold himself up by his little arms. If they had given out, he would’ve just been hanging there by his head,” she says.

The big scare

You can just imagine the horror Alison felt as she came into the room. Fortunately, Caleb was a strong little bub and she was able to help him before he was in serious danger - but she points out that things could easily have been far, far worse.

“I generally use nap time as an opportunity to shower. Had I done that today and checked on him after five minutes, he would have literally hung himself,” she said.

“I’m still totally shook up over it and don’t think the vision of him stuck there will ever leave my head.”

Pass it on

Alison wants to pass on her words of warning to others who may have a similar sleeping arrangement in their homes.

“I never in a million years would have seen this as a potential danger,” she writes. “Please consider sharing this post in case someone you know may have a similar set-up. It’s incredibly heartbreaking to think of what the outcome could have been today.”

If you have friends with twins or babies close in age, share this story with them. You never know, it might save a little life.