Could my child have a food allergy?

Your child’s just finished dinner and you’ve noticed some swelling around her mouth. It’s quite possible your child is allergic to something she’s just eaten. more

9 food choices our parents totally got right

How to get more calcium into your diet (if you can't eat dairy)

Know your food pyramid: are you feeding your kids right?

A genius way to up your family's daily fruit and vegetable intake

Zoe Bingley-Pullin's top tips for getting more vegies into your kids

Brain foods every child should be eating

Woolworths is recalling its mince due to metal fragments being found

When it comes kids and sugar, how much is too much?

Is the Health Star Rating actually worth listening to?

Why I quit Paleo and became a fauxgetarian

5 foods you might be avoiding, but shouldn’t

What’s really in ready-prepared baby food?