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Ice bucket challenge causes ALS medical breakthrough

Leah Goulis |

Hands up if you or someone you know tipped a bucket of ice over your head last summer in a bid to raise awareness for ALS? Well, good on you! It worked.

It was embraced by most and dismissed as “slacktivism” by others, but that ice bucket challenge that went viral on social media earlier this year has worked wonders for the health industry.

The ALS Association has revealed the videos, which asked volunteers to tip a bucket of iced water over their heads to raise awareness and money for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Motor Neurone Disease as it’s commonly known) has helped identify a new gene associated with the dreadful disease.

Not only did our friends come on board with the challenge, celebrities around the globe including Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, singers Gwen Stefani, Justin Bieber, and actors Tom Cruise, Chris Hemsworth, and Robery Downey Jnr (as well as a heap more!) also took up the challenge and nominated more to join in.

And it worked!

The social media phenomenon raised more than $100 million in donations in just 30 days, and has gone on to fully fund a number of research projects, including Project MinE, which has helped identify a particular gene associated with the disease and the possible link to new treatment.

“It’s very exciting because it shows everyone who contributed to the ice bucket challenge that their donation had an impact on the research,” Brian Frederick, executive vice-president of communications and development at the ALS Association reveals.

“The work that Project MinE is doing is really important, and the discovery of this new gene will help us better understand ALS.”

The gene discovered in the study, NEK1, is associated with just three percent of ALS cases, but the fact that it is present in both inherited and sporadic forms of the disease gives researchers enough to go on to develop possible treatments to a disease where there is currently no cure.