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Boost your milk supply with tea (and other mum troubles solved)

Leah Goulis |

This wonder tea promises to solve all of your breastfeeding troubles. Here’s how…

From a low milk supply during breastfeeding, to beating the post baby blues.

Lisa Guy, naturopath and founder of Bodhi Organic Tea shares her tips on how to solve the most common new mum troubles, naturally!

How to boost milk production

While there are a lot of tips and tricks out there to boost your milk supply during breastfeeding, Lisa has found a quick and easy way to help. And it involves a mummy favourite – tea!

“The best way to boost your milk supply naturally is to drink a breastfeeding herbal tea (3-4 times a day),” she tells Kidspot.

“It is made with galactogogue herbs that can enhance milk production. Fenugreek is one of the most well-known galactogogue herbs that has been used for centuries to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers. Fennel, raspberry leaf, alfalfa, and nettle are also extremely beneficial milk boosting herbs.”

How to beat the post baby blues

When things get a little teary, Lisa recommends increasing zinc and omega-3 in your diet.

“Low zinc levels (and high copper levels) after birth can contribute to post-natal depression, and a majority of pregnant women are unfortunately deficient in this important mineral,” she says.

“If your levels are low, supplementation is recommended at a dosage of around 45mg a day. Zinc is also found in a wide variety of foods including lean meat, chicken, fish, milk, cheese and other dairy foods, eggs (yolks), legumes, wholegrains, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and pecans.”

Omega-3 fats are also extremely important for mother and baby.

“Not only are these beneficial fats essential for growing babies brain and nervous system function, but they are important for supporting healthy immune function, preventing stretch marks and also for helping reduce the risk of post-natal depression. The best food sources of omega-3 fats are oily fish (salmon, trout, mackerel and sardines), and some nuts and seeds and their oils (chia and flax seeds, and walnuts).”

How to help your body heal after giving birth

Pregnancy and birth causes a big shift in our bodies, and to help it bounce back to, well, NEAR normal, Lisa says improving our iron levels is the key.

“Lack of sleep and low iron levels can often leave mums feeling exhausted and run-down, it is also a common nutrient deficiency in women who have just had babies, and is especially important for producing energy in the body and for boosting immune health,” she says.

“Maintain optimal iron levels through eating iron-rich foods like red meat, chicken, lentils, and green leafy vegetables. Supplementing with spirulina or taking an iron supplement made from organic chelated iron is another great way for mums to enhance iron and energy levels and boost their immune health.”

Got a new mum problem? There’s a tea for that! Image: Bodhi Organic Tea

How to stop the crazy hunger pangs

“Having good quality protein like nuts, seeds, hummus, legumes, yoghurt, fish, chicken, eggs and cheese, with meals, is the best way to keep blood sugar levels balanced and sugar cravings at bay,” says Lisa.

Eating smaller, healthy meals more regularly, including snacks, will also help to stabilise your blood sugar levels and curb sugar cravings.

“Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and the one that a lot of people tend to miss. It is the first meal after a long fast while sleeping. Skipping breakfast will lead to low blood sugar levels, energy slumps, and those all-too-familiar mid-morning sugar cravings.”

How to help sleep

Ah, the question that is forever asked by parents around the globe. And one that never really gets answered!

While she can’t promise a miracle cure to help you and your new baby to sleep, Lisa says calming herbal teas can help.

“Chamomile, valerian, lavender, passionflower and lemon balm are all beautiful calming herbal teas that are beneficial for calming the nervous system, allowing the body and mind to relax, to help you get a better night’s sleep,” she says.

“Magnesium also helps calm and support the nervous system and helps improve sleep. Taking around 300mg of elemental magnesium before bed will assist with sleep. The best dietary sources of magnesium are legumes, tofu, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, wheat bran and green leafy veggies.”

How to minimise gas

Mum and gas = colicy baby = screaming!!!

“Probiotics are dietary factors that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus in the human gut. A healthy balance of bacteria is vital to our health and wellbeing,” Lisa says.

“Bowel bacteria plays a major role in our digestive health, immune function and production of certain vitamins (B12 and K). Yoghurt is an excellent source of beneficial bacteria, but make sure you buy one with live or active bacteria on the label.”

Another wonder ingredient to keep in your pantry is apple cider vinegar.

“Taken before each meal, apple cider vinegar is very effective for improving digestion and is beneficial for people with digestive problems such as reflux, bloating, wind and indigestion,” Lisa shares.