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Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a general term used to describe a group of disorders characterised by an inability to control and coordinate muscle movements.

Cerebral palsy


There are several different types of cerebral palsy, including:

  • Spastic cerebral palsy – stiffness or tightness of muscles
  • Athetoid cerebral palsy – uncontrolled movements
  • Ataxic cerebral palsy – lack of balance and coordination
  • Mixed type cerebral palsy – a combination of types

What causes cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the brain, either during development or in early childhood. Doctors aren’t always sure what has caused the damage, but it may be due to a lack of oxygen during birth or maternal illness during pregnancy.

Is cerebral palsy serious?

Cerebral palsy can affect your child’s ability to do certain things. A child with cerebral palsy might lose muscle control over one or more limbs and/or the facial muscles, and he may need help doing some tasks. Kids with cerebral palsy might look different on the outside, but they are usually just as smart and goal-oriented as any other child.

Can I prevent cerebral palsy?

Getting consistent prenatal care is important to avoid any infections, illnesses, or injuries that might cause cerebral palsy. Make sure all your immunisations are up to date and that you take care of yourself during pregnancy.

How do I know if my child has cerebral palsy?

Infants with cerebral palsy may display the following signs:

  • Feeding difficulties
  • Delayed development
  • Poor muscle control and a lack of coordination
  • Muscle spasms

How do I treat cerebral palsy?

There is no cure for cerebral palsy. The damage done to the brain generally won’t get worse, but the symptoms of the disorder might get worse as your child gets older. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and communication tools can help your child live an independent life. Medications, such as muscle relaxants, may be able to relieve some of the symptoms of cerebral palsy, and there are some surgical procedures which may ease mobility.

Should I call the doctor?

Always call the doctor if you suspect your child has cerebral palsy. He can help you determine if your child has cerebral palsy and what would be the right course of treatment.

What you need to know about cerebral palsy

  • Cerebral palsy is a brain disorder.
  • People with cerebral palsy have trouble controlling and coordinating muscle movements.
  • Kids with cerebral palsy can live independent lives.
  • There is no cure for cerebral palsy, but therapies are available to make life easier.

Written by Rebecca Stigall for Kidspot, Australia’s parenting resource for family health. Sources include Better Health Channel, NSW Health and Health Insite.