28Hse-Hong Kong Property
Hong Kong Property Market - Yr.2016 Dec: Average price per sq feet $10138 2.64%   (last month:$9877)
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Hong Kong Property Price

# District Popular Estates
# Estate Date Price Sq. ft. Unit price

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Property Index

2016/10 Property Index: 258
Compared with last month it rises 2.79% ; with last year it rises 1.98%
2016/10 Total Transactions: 6601
Compared with last month it drops 15.65% ; Compared with last month it rises 100.03%
2016/10 Turnover: 55B
Compared with last month it drops 2.6% ; Compared with last month it rises 142.01%
The data from this graph is from RVD and Land Registry
*1999 = 100 Points

Rental Index

2016/10 Rental Index: 173
Compared with last month it rises 1.17% ; with last year it drops 1.7%
The data from this graph is from RVD and Land Registry

Property Market Yields

2016/10 Property Market Yields: 2.6
No change compared with last month ; with last year it drops 3.7%
The data from this graph is from RVD and Land Registry

District Latest Deals

Date District Estate Price Change Area Unit price Unit Address Contract History
*To view the full address please click on History.
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