Educational activities

The Australian Press Council organises the following educational activities for journalists, students of journalism and other people who work in or are especially interested in the print media:

  • Case studies
  • Prizes for journalism students

Case studies

The Council can assist university journalism lecturers and others with materials and instructions for case studies based on recent Press Council adjudications. These provide an opportunity to learn about the Council's standards by simulating its processes for adjudicating on complaints. A new package of case studies is being prepared for use in university journalism schools in early 2017.


The Council funds prizes for outstanding work by journalism students.  This program has recently been revised and is now conducted in partnership with the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA).

It has been agreed that Council will fund the following prizes, to be presented along with other JERAA prizes already established:

  • The Australian Press Council Undergraduate Prize for an essay on the topic of press freedom or media ethics ($200)
  • The Australian Press Council Postgraduate Prize for an essay on the topic of press freedom or media ethics ($200)
  • The Australian Press Council Prize for Journalism Student of the Year ($750). This is for a student who has performed well in all academic subjects and who has also produced outstanding journalism as part of their coursework
Read more about the revised Press Council prizes program here.
For details about the three winners in 2016, click here.

Journalism departments in tertiary institutions interested in participating in this program are invited to
contact the Council or JERAA.  
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