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Pope creates 17 new cardinals, warns them about the ‘virus of polarization’

The other Gettysburg Address you probably haven't heard of...

Profiles of the 17 men who received red hats today from the Holy Father...
Matthew Bunson
On Nov. 19, Pope Francis created 17 new cardinals, the newest members of the College of Cardinals, in a ceremony held in St. Peter’s Square. Thirteen of the new members are cardinal electors, meaning that they are under the age of 80 and therefore eligible to vote in a conclave to elect a new pope should that happen. The cardinals come from 13 different countries...

American elections, bishops' edition: The numbers and the moves backstage...
Sandro Magister
Seven days after the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, the more than two hundred bishops of the United States also went to vote. To elect the one who will preside over them for the next three years. A vote to which they came “as for a referendum on Pope Francis,” in the plain statement of John L. Allen, the top vaticanista in the United States...

How casinos enable gambling addicts...

A populist election and its aftermath...
Fr. George Rutler
Considering how many crucial matters were at stake during the recent election, including the right to life and religious freedom, and confronting the preponderant bias in the media and opinion polls, it did not seem melodramatic to hope for a providential Hand to guide things. Without mistaking optimism for hope, and cautioned by the disappointment that can issue from placing trust in princes or any child of man...

The meanest thing Jesus ever said...
Msgr. Charles Pope
The Gospel from Wednesday’s Mass (Wed. of the 33rd Week – Luke 19:11-27) is known as the “Parable of the Ten Gold Coins.” It has an ending so shocking that, when I read it at Mass some years ago, a young child said audibly to her mother, “Wow, that’s mean!” I’d like to look at it and ponder its shocking ending. Today’s parable is like Matthew’s “Parable of the Talents...

Pope Francis decides not to hold customary meeting of cardinals before consistory...

Mourning the death of a brother...

Dear Netflix: You can entertain me, but you can't buy my joy...

We don't want to pay the price of freedom...
Joseph Pearce
There might be few things on which most people agree but freedom is one of them. Although we might differ over what we understand freedom to be, we all think freedom is a good thing. And yet, truth be told, most of us don’t care as much about it as we say we do or as we think we do. The truth is that freedom comes at a price and most of us don’t want to pay it...

Breaking: Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria moves to restore female deacons...
Deacon Greg Kandra
As I noted earlier, yesterday I took part in a panel discussion with America Media on the subject of deacons in general and women deacons in particular. This morning, one of the panelists, George Demacopoulos, theologian and founding co-director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University, passed along a timely item from the Orthodox (which has been translated by Google from the original Greek)...

Pope warns business leaders: “To be corrupt is to become a follower of the devil, the father of lies”...

Was Malachi Martin an exorcist or an exhibitionist?

Ballplayer knocks one out of the park (and through the roof) at the Tokyo Dome...

A call from the Pope to the U.S. bishops: “Break down walls and build bridges”...
Rocco Palmo
While each USCCB plenary invariably opens with the sending of a telegram to the Pope to pledge the bench's fidelity and prayers, it is anything but custom that the Roman pontiff issues a reply... This time, however, that has indeed happened. As if the message of the elections needed further hammering home – let alone from the Man in White – Tuesday's closing public session on the Floor saw an unprecedented cameo from the Boss himself...

Falling in love with the historical Church, waking up to the reality...

This 2,500-year-old sword was discovered in China in untarnished condition...

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Ernest Cardinal Simoni: “An extraordinarily holy priest who suffered in communist labor camps for 28 years”...
Victor Gaetan
Standing on the street outside a towering cathedral in northern Albania one summer Saturday in 2008, I watched a narrow, nimble priest approaching passersby, his startlingly white hair reminiscent of Pope Benedict XVI. Soon, he detached a woman with a young son from the crowd and walked with them through the giant door of St. Stefan’s Cathedral — used as a sports arena with a basketball court between 1967 and 1990 — in Shkoder...

How the murder of three elderly nuns has rocked Burundi...

A God of more than the gaps...
Jimmy Akin
God causes some things directly and some indirectly, using created things as secondary causes. “The truth that God is at work in all the actions of his creatures is inseparable from faith in God the Creator. God is the first cause who operates in and through secondary causes” (CCC 308). Scripture often attributes “actions to God without mentioning any secondary causes...

“Strange stars” could be the weirdest objects in the universe...

Archbishop Chaput’s full remarks to CNS about ‘Amoris Laetitia’...

Archbishop Fulton Sheen's body to be moved to Peoria, court rules...

How an obscure woman's letters transformed a president...

Mourning the death of a priest...
Matthew Sewell
Tonight I learned that the parish priest of my childhood, Fr. Patrick McGurk of the Diocese of Helena (MT), had passed away, moving on, God willing, to his eternal reward in heaven. It was from Fr. McGurk that I and my classmates received our First Holy Eucharist and our First Reconciliation. We served Mass for him from fourth grade through Junior High...

New film shows how mercy can transform your life...

A funeral sermon designed to teach on the Last Things and inspire prayer...

Literal interpretation of Bible ‘helps increase church attendance’, says study of Protestant churches ...

The snail-smashing, fish-spearing, eye-popping Mantis Shrimp...

What do I think about Donald Trump's election? Where to begin...
Archbishop Charles Chaput
This is a column impossible to imagine just 10 days ago. Despite raising and spending vastly more money than Donald Trump, despite celebrity endorsements, despite the predictions of experts and pollsters, despite the vigorous support a sitting president, and despite the thinly disguised loathing of her rival by much of the mass media...

Has liturgical abuse and wishy-washiness turned you into a ‘Catholic refugee’?

A pilgrim, a bishop and his iPhone...
Bishop Robert Barron
I’m in the process of re-reading a spiritual classic from the Russian Orthodox tradition: The Way of a Pilgrim. This little text, whose author is unknown to us, concerns a man from mid-nineteenth century Russia who found himself deeply puzzled by St. Paul’s comment in first Thessalonians that we should “pray unceasingly.” How...

Mercy begins in the mind, as well as in the heart...
David Mills
I’m writing for the cranky, the annoyed, the judgmental, the suspicious and peevish, the reactive, for those who have many buttons others can easily push. I’m writing for me, perhaps you, and for many people I know, who would like to be a lot more merciful than we are. Let me begin with a story.

Why we worship: Dietrich von Hildebrand explains the Mass...
Kathy Schiffer
The Second Vatican Council had not even been imagined in 1933, when German philosopher and theologian Dietrich von Hildebrand penned Liturgy and Personality. At the time, there was no such thing as Mass in the vernacular; the term “liturgy wars” would have had no meaning to his readers at that time. But reading his book, which has just been re-released for 21st century readers...

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The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19.99...


Copyright © 2016 by Kevin Knight email Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.