
Alec Baldwin returns as a very nervous Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live

Alec Baldwin is back as the President-elect on Saturday Night Live despite earlier saying that he was trying to "trying to shed the Donald Trump cloak".

On election day in the US, Baldwin told The Brian Lehrer Show he almost sprained his jaw trying to mimic Trump.

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Trump not happy with Saturday Night Live

Alec Baldwin returns to Saturday Night Live as Donald Trump but the President-elect tweeted his disapproval of the sketch.

"I'm not an impressionist, per se, but if you do any kind of comedy and they ask you to do that, most of the time, there's some degree of appreciation, I think, involving somebody you like," he said, at the time.

"Trump is somebody who I don't hate Trump, but he's not somebody I admire, so it was more difficult."

But his jaw has clearly been put to the test again on SNL, this time repeating over and over "big beautiful boobs and buildings" as a clearly flustered Trump tries to govern (with possibly some help from Siri).


Even Mike Pence (played by Beck Bennett) stops by, with Trump asking "How was Hamilton?" to which Pence responded: "It was good. I got a free lecture."

Video: Mike Pence gets booed at Hamilton
A very worried Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) will leave everything to an unflustered Mike Pence (Beck Bennett) on Saturday ...
A very worried Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) will leave everything to an unflustered Mike Pence (Beck Bennett) on Saturday Night Live. Photo: NBC

"I love you, Mike – you're the reason I will never get impeached," Trump concludes. But Pence isn't done with his leader and continues to bring to Trump's attention all the problems of his policies from the immigration issues to Obamacare and finally Hillary Clinton's "special prosecution".

Trump's solution to each? "Scrap it."

Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump: "Google what is ISIS?"
Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump: "Google what is ISIS?" Photo: Twitter

"Sir, being president is not going to be easy but we'll get through it, if we work hard together," Pence reassures him to which Trump suggests his preferred solution.

"You're going to do everything right?"

And that might have to be the case with Baldwin planning to bow out once again from his SNL appearances, telling Vanity Fair ahead of the show: "I'm going to do it again this weekend, but not all that often."

Seems the Baldwins have a life, his wife Hilaria explained.

"When he does SNL, it takes a big chunk out of (the weekend) because you're up so late, and then it eats into the next day," she said. "And for us, with little kids, it's hard."

The Baldwins' third baby, Leonardo, arrived this past September. Carmen is three, and Rafael is almost one.

As for any speculation about why Kate McKinnon went solo as Hillary Clinton for the SNL cold open following the election, it turns out that Baldwin – a Clinton supporter who has been vocal on social media about his dislike of Trump, both before and after the election – wasn't making any kind of political statement with his absence.

"I was booked that weekend," he said. "Not even other jobs; we have things to do."

That just leaves viewers going:

Although TV critics in the US appear less impressed, with Daily Beast writing: "Seeing Baldwin mope and muck it up as Trump has lost most of its luster. Trump is the president-elect, SNL helped him get there, and many people are, as [Hamilton cast member Brandon V.] Dixon said, 'alarmed and anxious'."

And the real Donald Trump's verdict on Baldwin's comeback?

– with Los Angeles Times
