The Woot API v2 is in beta and is subject to change without notice.

GET offers/{id}

Updated on Mon, 2013-12-02 14:00

Returns an individual offer.

Resource URL{id}.json


Your public API key. This can be obtained by visiting your applications page.
The GUID Id of the desired offer.
Restricts the returned properties to the specified values. The Id property will always be returned for all objects.





  "Features": null,
  "Id": "119e5d20-61ed-41ec-904b-494dde1444d4",
  "Items": [
      "Id": "4266e8cb-103a-467e-b36c-dc2c5a1c12d8",
      "SalePrice": 15.00,
      "ListPrice": null,
      "Attributes": [
          "Key": "Condition",
          "Value": "Refurbished"
      "PurchaseLimit": 3
  "Url": "",
  "EstimatedShipDate": {
    "MessagePrefix": "In Stock.",
    "MessageBody": "Ships in 2-3 business days."
  "PercentageRemaining": 100,
  "Photos": [
      "Url": "",
      "Width": 588,
      "Height": 441,
      "Tags": [
  "ShippingMethods": [
      "Name": "Standard",
      "PerOrderAmount": 5.00,
      "PerEventAmount": 0.00,
      "PerItemAmount": 0.00
  "SoldOut": false,
  "Specs": "<ul>\r\n\t<li>\r\n\t\tEdna Valley: 73%</li>\r\n\t<li>\r\n\t\tSonoma Coast: 27%</li>\r\n\t<li>\r\n\t\tAlcohol: 13.9%</li>\r\n\t<li>...</li></ul>",
  "Subtitle": "Very, Very Advanced English",
  "Teaser": "Welcome, class, to \"English 601: Seemingly Meaningless Turns Of Phrase.\"",
  "Title": "So Be It 2009 Pinot Noir (5)",
  "WriteUp": "<p>You should all be fluent in the English language by now, but may not have mastered some of its more impenetrable...",
  "Stats": null

Data Types

Class Hierarchy


A collection of similar items.

Artist Artist For Shirt.Woot offers, the artist who created the shirt. Blank if the offer does not have an artist.
DiscussionUrl String The discussion URL for the offer.
EstimatedShipDate EstimatedShipDate An estimated date that the offer will ship.
Features String The features of the items.
Id Guid A unique identifier for this offer.
Items Item[] The list of items available for purchase in the offer.
OriginalStartDate DateTime For offers in The Reckoning, contains the original start date of the shirt. Excluded if the offer is not in the reckoning.
PercentageRemaining Int32 An approximate percentage of the merchandise in an offer.
Photos Photo[] A list of photos for the offer.
QualityPosts QualityPost[] A list of the quality posts in the forum thread for the offer.
Rank Int32 For offers in The Reckoning, contains the rank of the shirt in the Reckoning. Excluded if the shirt is immune from ranking.
ShippingMethods ShippingMethod[] The list of shipping methods available for the offer.
Snippet String The HTML contents of the offer's snippet if it exists.
SoldOut Boolean A value indicating whether or not the offer has sold out.
Specs String The specifications of the items.
Stats OfferStats A collection of OfferStats that describe the offer.
Subtitle String The subtitle of the offer.
Teaser String The teaser of the offer. Displayed as a heading for the write up.
Title String The title of the offer.
Url String The URL where the offer can be viewed.
WineryDetails String The HTML contents of the offer's Winery Details if it exists.
WriteUp String The HTML contents of the offer's write-up.


  "Features": null,
  "Id": "119e5d20-61ed-41ec-904b-494dde1444d4",
  "Items": [
      "Id": "4266e8cb-103a-467e-b36c-dc2c5a1c12d8",
      "SalePrice": 15.00,
      "ListPrice": null,
      "Attributes": [
          "Key": "Condition",
          "Value": "Refurbished"
      "PurchaseLimit": 3
  "Url": "",
  "EstimatedShipDate": {
    "MessagePrefix": "In Stock.",
    "MessageBody": "Ships in 2-3 business days."
  "PercentageRemaining": 100,
  "Photos": [
      "Url": "",
      "Width": 588,
      "Height": 441,
      "Tags": [
  "ShippingMethods": [
      "Name": "Standard",
      "PerOrderAmount": 5.00,
      "PerEventAmount": 0.00,
      "PerItemAmount": 0.00
  "SoldOut": false,
  "Specs": "<ul>\r\n\t<li>\r\n\t\tEdna Valley: 73%</li>\r\n\t<li>\r\n\t\tSonoma Coast: 27%</li>\r\n\t<li>\r\n\t\tAlcohol: 13.9%</li>\r\n\t<li>...</li></ul>",
  "Subtitle": "Very, Very Advanced English",
  "Teaser": "Welcome, class, to \"English 601: Seemingly Meaningless Turns Of Phrase.\"",
  "Title": "So Be It 2009 Pinot Noir (5)",
  "WriteUp": "<p>You should all be fluent in the English language by now, but may not have mastered some of its more impenetrable...",
  "Stats": null


Order statistics for an offer.

FirstSucker String The username of the first person to buy this offer.
LastPurchase DateTime The last date and time this offer was purchased.
LastWooterToWoot String The username of the last person to buy this offer.
OverallOrderPace Double How this sale ranks among other Woot sales across all sites, in order pace.
OverallWootsSold Double How this sale ranks among other Woot sales across all sites, in number of woots sold.
PercentageOfSalesPerDay KeyValuePair`2[] The percentage of sales per day for this offer.
PercentageOfSalesPerHour KeyValuePair`2[] The percentage of sales per hour for this offer.
PurchaserExperience KeyValuePair`2[] The percentage of users who bought this offer by number of previous woots.
PurchaserSeniority KeyValuePair`2[] The percentage of users who bought this offer by age of account.
QuantityBreakdown KeyValuePair`2[] The percentage of users who bought this offer by quantity.
SiteOrderPace Double How this sale ranks among other Woot sales on the same site, in order pace.
SiteWootsSold Double How this sale ranks among other Woot sales on the same site, in number of woots sold.
SpeedToFirstWoot TimeSpan The difference in time between when the offer launched and when the first order for this offer was placed.
WootsByState KeyValuePair`2[] The percent ratio of orders in each state.


A forum post that has been spotlighted as a quality post.

Avatar String The Url to the user's avatar.
FormattedBody String The HTML formatted text of the forum post.
PostedOn DateTime The date and time this message was posted.
Text String The text of the forum post.
Username String The username of the user who posted this message.


  "Avatar": "",
  "FormattedBody": "This deal is amazing!",
  "PostedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "Text": "wootbot now praises this deal",
  "Username": "wootbot"


The basic unit-of-sale for Woot.

Attributes Attribute[] The item's attributes.
Id Guid The unique identifier for this item. This can be used to create purchase URLs.
ListPrice Decimal The list price of the item. If the list price is not known, this value will be null.
PurchaseLimit Int32 The item-level purchase limit. This is the smaller of item quantity remaining and offer-level purchase limit.
SalePrice Decimal The sale price of the item.


  "Id": "4266e8cb-103a-467e-b36c-dc2c5a1c12d8",
  "SalePrice": 15.00,
  "ListPrice": null,
  "Attributes": [
      "Key": "Condition",
      "Value": "Refurbished"
  "PurchaseLimit": 3


An attribute that can be used to differentiate between the items in an offer. Attributes can describe the size, color, or condition of a product, and so on.

Key String The attribute's "key" or "name".
Value String The value of the attribute.


  "Key": "Condition",
  "Value": "Refurbished"


Describes a photo.

Height Int32 The height, in pixels, of the photo.
Tags String[] A list of tags describing the photo. Absence or existence of the tag "gallery" indicates whether the photo is a main product photo, or a gallery image respectively.
Url String The URL of the photo.
Width Int32 The width, in pixels, of the photo.


  "Url": "",
  "Width": 588,
  "Height": 441,
  "Tags": [


Specifies the cost of shipping for an offer.

Shipping charges can be added per order or per item (or both, potentially). The PerItemAmount is added per item quantity, and the PerOrderAmount is added per order.

Name String The name of the shipping method.
PerEventAmount Decimal The cost, in USD, attached to each event in an order.
PerItemAmount Decimal The cost, in USD, attached to each item in an order.
PerOrderAmount Decimal The cost, in USD, attached to each order.


  "Name": "Standard",
  "PerOrderAmount": 5.00,
  "PerEventAmount": 0.00,
  "PerItemAmount": 0.00


An estimated ship date message.

MessageBody String The body of the estimated ship date message.
MessagePrefix String The prefix of the estimated ship date message


  "MessagePrefix": "In Stock.",
  "MessageBody": "Ships in 2-3 business days."