
2:33pm November 19

The former player has plenty ideas to transform Aussie cricket

12:37pm November 19

Mark Nicholas joins the team live from the Australian Open.

3:42pm November 13

Macquarie Cricket Commentator Greg 'Mo' Matthews joins the CCT Summer Edition to fill them in on the latest in the cricket.

1:14pm November 12

Spin King Shane Warne has his say about the current squad.

1:09pm November 12

These two golden Aussies are at the pinnacle of cricket and rally driving.

12:41pm November 5

The former paceman previews the summer of cricket.

12:39pm October 22

The former test captain is creating headlines with his new book.

5:29pm October 15

Listen to the full show with Erin and Mark.

3:28pm October 15

Mike Whitney wants everyone to help out a neighbour.

10:17am September 28

Cricketer, footballer, media identity and best selling author Max Walker has died aged 68.

Walker played 34 Tests for Australia, before moving on to a successful career as a commentator and writer.

8:01pm May 17

Listen to the full show podcast of Money News with Ross Greenwood 

6:54pm April 27

Ross Greenwood speaks to Bill Evans from Westpac about Australia witnessing deflation for the first time in 7 years

7:58pm March 8

Listen to the full show podcast of Money News with Ross Greenwood

4:42pm February 25

The Aussies were cruising to an Ashes victory at the SCG, until St. George Leagues Club put on dinner and drinks mid-test. Big mistake!

4:26pm February 25

Once in your life you have that golden couple of days where everything goes right. Skull had it against new Zealand in Wellington in 1976-77.

6:34pm February 21

Relive the entire show from Sunday the 21st of February.

2:34pm February 20

Kerry catches up with his first test captain, the one-and-only Bill Lawry. Great yarn.

11:44am February 19

Skull joined Alan on breakfast to preview the 2nd Trans-Tasman test in Christchurch. The number one test ranking is up for grabs.

6:36pm February 14

Listen to Neil Breen's show from Sunday February 7th as he fills in for Luke Grant.

12:25pm February 13

Listen to Neil Breen's full show as he fills in for Luke Grant on Saturday morning.


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