Federal Politics

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PM's praise for Obama

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Malcolm Turnbull has reflected on Barack Obama's achievements and promised to get behind Donald Trump while defending Australia's interests. Courtesy ABC News 24.

ScoMo's surplus dilemma

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With low wage growth spurring a projected $24 billion blowout in the deficit over the next four years, Treasurer Scott Morrison signalled a return to budget surplus will be pushed even further into the future.

Ricky Muir's return home

Former senator Ricky Muir at his newly purchased Wood Mill in Heyfield. 17th November 2016. The Age Fairfaxmedia News ...
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When the former Senator and leader of the Motoring Enthusiasts Party moved to Canberra, he left behind his job at the local mill. Now he's returned bigger and better.

Dutton's critical comments

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The Immigration Minister has put the blame for the grandchildren of Australian migrants travelling to fight in overseas conflict zones on former Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser's immigration policies.

World at a change point: Wong

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After the election of Donald Trump, Shadow Foreign Minister Penny Wong says we need to discuss how to deal with the President-elect and its implications on Australia's foreign policy Courtesy ABC AM.

Two pronged ABC attack

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While appearing on different ABC shows, PM Malcolm Turnbull and his deputy Barnaby Joyce have criticised the broadcaster for being elite and out of touch. Courtesy ABC.
