Nepal Learns from the Kenyan Devolution Story
Nepal Learns from the Kenyan Devolution Story

Leaders from The Government of Nepal have expressed confidence that they are better prepared to transition into a federal democratic republican state after high level interactions with Kenyan government officials that saw them learn about the devolution process in Kenya.

UNDP Supports the Legislative Agenda of County Governments
UNDP Supports the Legislative Agenda of County Governments

County Governments will now be able to develop their own legislation following the unveiling of over fifty County Model Laws; that will act as reference guides for adaptation and customization, to suit the specific realities and unique needs of each county in the exercise of its legislative powers.


The United Nations has contributed over Ksh. 37.7 Billion shillings towards Humanitarian and Development assistance to Kenya in the past three years (2014-2016). This has been managed under the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) in which Government takes the lead in the development programing while the UN supports the coordination of activities through the Delivering as One mechanism

Chatterjee Presents Credentials to Kenya Foreign Office

Sid officially presents credentials to Foreign Affairs and Trade CS, Amina Mohamed following recent appointment as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative and the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator for Kenya

Empowering Communities with Renewable Energy

The Ewang’an energy center was established in 2008 with assistance from UNIDO. Ewang’an later submitted a proposal to the Global Environment Facility(GEF) Small Grants Program (SGP), requesting for funds to up-scale the Center and increase energy supply to meet the growing demands.

#LeaveNoOneBehind: Kenya Government Gives Road Map to implementation of SDGs

the Government of Kenya launched the national implementation plan for the Sustainable Development Goals, and expressed commitment that ‘no one will be left behind’ in the economic and social prosperity of the country.

Gender gap costs sub-Sahara Africa $US95 billion a year: New UNDP Report

Gender inequality is costing sub-Saharan Africa on average $US95 billion a year, peaking at US$105 billion in 2014– or six percent of the region’s GDP – jeopardising the continent’s efforts for inclusive human development and economic growth, according to the Africa Human Development Report 2016: Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa, published today by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

UN Supports Girls Teams in the County League Football to Fight HIV and AIDS

The UN has supported renewed efforts by the Kenya Government to prevent stigma associated with HIV and AIDS, and contributed USD 45,000 (Ksh. 4.5 Million) towards the Maisha County League football tournament. This is an initiative by the National Aids Control Council (NACC) and Football Kenya Federation (FKF) to use the sport as a platform to reach out to youth in all the 47 counties. The UN fund will support 10 female football teams.

Localizing and Mainstreaming SDGs at the County
Localizing and Mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the County Government Level in Kenya

22 June 2016, Kwale: The 47 County Governments have embarked on integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into their Development Plans. This follows a consultative forum with various County Planners, Officials from the Ministry of Devolution and Planning and the United Nations in establishing the key priority...

Empowering Women to Conserve Wildlife in Amboseli

The project seeks to empower women in imbirikani Group Ranch to Plan and implement their own sustainable income generating enterprises, develop their business skills and commercial viability and to link their products to the local and international market

Solar Dealers accreditation
Cellphone based solar dealers accreditation initiative

UNDP, through UN Joint program on Climate Change helped Kenya start the 1st national-wide mobile phone based platform for accredited solar dealers and technicians. Prospective buyers just need to dial *860# to get a list of accredited dealers. This has enabled gradual removal of sub-standard solar products and installations in the market thereby enhancing adoption and use of sustainable renewable energy

integrated IDPs
Working to support Integration of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

The youth group, having received a grant from the GEF SGP, has worked with the integrated Internally Displaced Persons to address challenges they face in common; (i) fuelwood scarcity, (ii) water unavailability (iii) lack of means to generate income.

UNDP intensifies Wildlife Conservation Efforts in Africa

UNDP reiterated its support to frontline conservation efforts to help African countries protect their wildlife through a new Global Wildlife Programme being initiated with funding from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). The programme, which will see UNDP and the GEF investing $60m into Africa is intended to help create incentives for conservation and ensure better management of wildlife protected areas