Winners of the competition "Like for the scientific team" announced

Announcement of the winners of the competition "Like for the scientific team" was held today at the UN House in Sarajevo, with the support of the Swedish Embassy in BiH, where seven finalists of the contest presented their projects on energy efficiency.

Best startups at one place: „Warm-up for startups“ powered by UNDP

On November 2nd, 2016, Foundation „Networks“ organized a unique enterpreneurship fair „Warm-Up for Startups“ which was supported by the UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fair was organized in innovative and business center Networks.

Inception workshop of the project „Strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina Decision-Making Toward Becoming a Party to the Minamata Convention and Build Capacity for Implementation of Future Provision”

Initial workshop of the project „Strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina Decision-Making Toward Becoming a Party to the Minamata Convention and Build Capacity for Implementation of Future Provision“ funded by Global environmental facility (GEF) was held today in the premises of the UN House in Sarajevo. Project is implemented by UNDP CO in BiH.

Public call for selection of beneficiaries for raspberries production in Prijedor

As a part of “Local Integrated Development Project“ (LID), funded by the European Union and implemented by United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP BiH), City Administration of Prijedor launched a public call for co-financing of raspberry production.

[Deadline Extended] PUBLIC CALL for selection of beneficiaries of economic scheme in District Brcko

In the framework of the UN Joint Project Seeking Care, Support and Justice for Conflict Related Sexual Violence Survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, UN Women and UNDP are publishing this public Call with the aim of providing support to civilian victims of war, especially persons who have survived conflict related sexual violence in increasing their monthly incomes through an investment in green house production.

Each investment in environmental development ensures new jobs

UNDP Resident Representative Sezin Sinanoglu stated that each investment in biomass as a renewable energy source contributes to carbon emissions reduction, which is a way of combating climate change. Moreover, she stated the additional benefit for BiH is that in this way the country will fulfill a part of its obligations in view of the EU accession.

N-TIM Academy and IT Girls training ends in Srebrenica

More than 170 students learned technical and programming skills in Srebrenica

Opening ceremony of the reconstructed Youth Theatre Sarajevo

The Youth Theatre Sarajevo is one out of the seven public buildings reconstructed as a part of the activity “Increasing of energy efficiency in public buildings in Sarajevo Canton” within the UNDP project "Green Economic Development"

Contract for BIRAČ 2 project signed

UNDP BiH and the Netherlands Embassy in BiH signed the contract for the last phase of the Birač Region Advancement and Cooperation

18 municipalities and cities selected in the first implementation phase of MEG project worth 21 million BAM

At the first meeting of the Project Board of the Municipal Environmental and Economic Governance (MEG) Project, the list of partner municipalities and cities that will be supported within the scope of this intervention was presented. The MEG Project is funded by the Government of Switzerland, which chose the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as the implementer.

EU/UNDP project forges partnerships between local authorities and civil society

The final conference of the project "Reinforcement of Local Democracy IV - LOD", that helped establish partnerships between local authorities and civil society across the country, was held today in Sarajevo.

First 50 years of UNDP: Poverty eradication by 2030 - the Organisation's priority goal

At Wilson Promenade in Sarajevo UNDP has held the first in a series of 5 events for citizens, commemorating a half-century since its founding and 20 years of its operations in BiH.

The Administrator of UNDP Helen Clark talked with the young entrepreneurs in BiH about the challenges and solutions to the youth unemployment problem

During her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Administrator of UNDP, Helen Clark, met with the young entrepreneurs from BiH, who presented their projects and solutions to the questions related to youth employment and economic future of BiH.

Helen Clark: Speech at the Opening session of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS Annual Cluster Mtg

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Annual Cluster Meeting of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (RBEC).

A Revolving Fund for Energy Efficiency established and enabled continuation of additional EE activities through UNDP’s GED project

The contract signing ceremony took place today in the UN building in Sarajevo for the establishment of the Revolving Fund for Energy Efficiency between the Environmental Protection Fund of FBiH and Union Bank, as well as the signing of Amendment to the 2016 Agreement between the Embassy of Sweden in BiH and the UNDP BiH through GED project.

How does investing in disaster prevention pay off?

Floods in 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010 and especially in 2014 have shown us over and over again that our country is fully exposed to the effects of climate change.

The project Via Dinarica for economic and touristic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On Networking Conference of the Via Dinarica were presented achieved results till date but also further necessary steps for development of tourism and protection of environment in BiH.

Revitalisation of Local Communities will improve Life Quality of 300,000 citizens of BiH

120 local communities and 20 local governments country-wide will participate in the project “Strengthening the Role of Local Communities BiH"

Germany supports the destruction of surplus ammunition in BiH for the second time

H.E. Dr Christian Hellbach, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany and Sezin Sinanoglu, Resident Representative of UNDP in BiH signed today the Grant Agreement for the second phase of Project EXPLODE, in the amount of 250,000 Euros.

Victim Witness Support Office opened in Zenica

The official opening of the Victim Witness Support Office at the Cantonal Court in Zenica was marked on 29 January.

Norwegian donation worth USD 4.5 million helps rehabilitate flood affected communities through the UN Floods Recovery Programme

Norwegian Ambassador to BiH Vibeke Lilloe and UN Resident Coordinator Sezin Sinanoglu visited today participants of the rehabilitated milk sub-sector value chain in Zenica-Doboj Canton and the Health Care Centre in Doboj as examples of the UN Floods Recovery Programme activities funded by the Norwegian Government and aimed at economic recovery and rehabilitation of public institution and services they provide.

2015 Human Development Report promoted

The 2015 Human Development Report, released December 15 at a ceremony in Ethiopia, urges governments to act now to ensure no one is left behind in the fast-changing world of work.

Concrete barriers installed along the bank of the Bosna River in Doboj

A ceremony has been organised to mark the completion of installation of concrete barriers along the Bosna River in Doboj today. The works were completed under the UNDP project "Support to Flood Recovery and Risk Mitigation in BiH" aiming to mitigate flood risks for 4500 households.

BiH Road to COP21 – In Anticipation of the World Climate Conference

Embassy of France in BiH in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States of America in BiH, the American University in BiH and the United Nations in BiH organized the BiH Road to COP21 Conference on Monday, November 23, 2015, at the United Nations House in Sarajevo.

UN celebrated its 70th birthday and presented global Sustainable Development Goals

The marking of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations and the presentation of the Global Sustainable Development Goals took place at the BiH Parliamentary Assembly building in Sarajevo.

Investment-Development Conference in Srebrenica: Speech Sezin Sinanoglu, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative

This notion is manifested in our work in Srebrenica, which has witnessed very positive economic development. Private sector investments have increased by more than 120% in the last four years.

World leaders adopt Sustainable Development Goals

At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, more than 150 world leaders adopted the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

VIDEO: Joint Successes in Countering Tuberculosis in BiH

Even though Tuberculosis is second only to HIV/AIDS as the greatest killer worldwide due to a single infectious agent - the majority of patients suffering from this disease may be cured.

Zvizdić – Sinanoglu: BiH to remain committed to European path

Resident Coordinator Sinanoglu briefed Chairman Zvizdić about the five-year UN programme for BiH underlining that the Programme aimed to strengthen peace and development and encompassed various activities.

Sezin Sinanoglu, UNDP Resident Representative, presents credentials to the BiH Presidency Chairman Mladen Ivanić

On 9 July 2015, Sezin Sinanoglu, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, presented credentials to the BiH Presidency Chairman Mladen Ivanić.

Building Resilience: Cleaning the river beds - Better prepared in event of new floods VIDEO

Investing in disaster preparedness before a hazard occurs reduces the need for humanitarian action. It is estimated that every dollar spent on preparing for disasters saves around seven dollars in economic losses.

UNDP Annual Report: Time for Global Action

These universal challenges demand global action, and this year presents unprecedented opportunities for achieving the future we want.

Kupres Cheese Seizes Local Market

Thanks to the donation of milk cooling tanks through the UN TFHS agro-trade cooperative "BH Milch" boosted production of the unique “Kupres cheese”, while the purchase of milk was guaranteed to the farmers enabling them regular income.

Success Story: Farming Raspberries As a Path to a Better Life

Raspberries were chosen as a suitable agricultural crop for providing additional income to small family economies.

Old Age is a Golden Age - story about assistance to elderly and vulnerable populations

85-year-old Perka Zorić lives in the village of Verići, sustaining herself in a shabby home by a small pension and no assistance. Although in very poor health herself, until only recently, Perka took care of her 102-years-old friend Trivuna Pilipović, for admittedly, she was in more need of help.

National Human Development Report (NHDR)

This report document seeks for that truth by looking at a series of commonly-held beliefs and asking what is myth and what is reality – starting with the idea of rurality itself...

UNDP Global Leader in Transparency

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the most transparent aid organization, according to a leading global ranking.