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WATCH: The cute 'baby on board' animation that's going viral

Is it cute? Is it cheesy? Is it just another ad? Do foetuses think like this?! You decide!

Some say it’s cute. Some say it’s cheesy. Some say it’s  advertising. Hmm.

Whichever it is, it’s undeniably popular and guaranteed to illicit a groan or a ‘nawwww!’ from all who view it.

Originally posted as a series by Anmum Mommy’s Circle, it was soon picked up by other Facebook pages and has spread like (adorable) wildfire across the internet.


Smartest foetus ever

Billed as ‘The most beautiful story ever’ it features a tiny animated foetus chatting to her mother as she grows to full term.

The foetus talks bacon, body image, morning sickness, ‘yum yum days’ (whatever they are) and naps.

She also talks about her hopes for the future and narrates her very own ultrasound and gender reveal. Amazing.

While it’s safe to say that this is the smartest foetus we’ve ever met, we’re fairly sure that ACTUAL foetuses (foetii?!) can’t really form sentences and thoughts at such an early age. #SorryNotSorry

baby on board

Lotsa likes

Still, people are loving it:

Kay Mone’t Dixie  “I can’t believe this just made me cry… I can’t wait to have my baby girl on Friday… All these hormones are really getting to me.”

Maidei Esnath  “Awesome, mothers are the most important people in the whole world, the symptoms they have to endure when carrying their babies and when the babies are born the unconditional love they give their children is amazing.”

Linda O’Hara “Heart melts and I cry every time I watch this! Can’t wait to meet my baby boy!”