Petition Closed

Free Manny the fremantle cow that swam for freedom.

Free Manny the cow that escaped a fate that no one deserves, only after many hours of swimming and running and hiding, imagine the desperation and fear Manny felt during his escape.. feeling but a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.. his worst fears returned when he was found in North Coogee.. after his long swim and 5km walk he was tackled to the ground by 5 men and will now be returning to the export ship. Please sign for his life to be spared and live his days in a santuary.

This petition was delivered to:
  • Prime Minister of Australia
    Malcolm Turnbull
  • General Manager Wellard rural exports
    David Jarvie

    donna bentley started this petition with a single signature, and now has 3,741 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.