- published: 03 Sep 2016
- views: 15123
In geography, regions are areas broadly divided by physical characteristics (physical geography), human impact characteristics (human geography), and the interaction of humanity and the environment (environmental geography). Geographic regions and sub-regions are mostly described by their imprecisely defined, and sometimes transitory boundaries, except in human geography, where jurisdiction areas such as national borders are clearly defined in law.
Apart from the global continental regions, there are also hydrospheric and atmospheric regions that cover the oceans, and discrete climates above the land and water masses of the planet. The land and water global regions are divided into subregions geographically bounded by large geological features that influence large-scale ecologies, such as plains and features.
As a way of describing spatial areas, the concept of regions is important and widely used among the many branches of geography, each of which can describe areas in regional terms. For example, ecoregion is a term used in environmental geography, cultural region in cultural geography, bioregion in biogeography, and so on. The field of geography that studies regions themselves is called regional geography.
Blackheads on Malar Region
What is a Region?
The Four Region Exclusive Pokémon in Pokémon Go
HOENN STARTERS | Making New Region Pokemon (Pokemon Sun And Moon)
Bermuda Triangle mystery solved; strange, hexagonal-shaped clouds discovered covering the region
Pokémon People Think Are From A Different Region! Part 1 - Feat. Woopsire | Supra
Pokémon People Think Are From A Different Region! Part 2 (Ft. Supra) - Woopsire
LEGENDARY BIRDS | Making Alola Region Pokemon (Pokemon Sun And Moon)
Region Skill - Are Some Regions More Skilled Than Others?
Mario Kart! - Region Locked
This video educates about extraction of blackheads from malar region, temple region & forehead region. He is in habit of extracting them out at Barbar's shop and sometimes he picks them by nails causing scarring.
How do you define a "region?" In this brief clip, California Jones explains the many ways that geographers use the term "region" to describe an area or a group of people. This intrepid explorer also explains the four major regions of California. This clip comes from Dig Into History with California Jones: California Regions available at www.digintohistory.com
Do you think you are any closer to catching them all? Well… do you have plane tickets that take you to other continents? That’s right! Today we’ll be taking about the much debated Region Exclusive Pokemon. In one of our previous videos we talked about some Pokemon that nobody could get, mainly because they aren’t in the game yet, but in this video we’re looking at a new challenge. http://www.fraghero.com
Forget Leaked Alola Pokemon - it's time to bust out the Photoshop - and create some Alola Region Pokemon. Do you have any ideas? Let me know in the comments! ►Subscribe : http://tinyurl.com/l4gnp94 ►Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/brettultimus ►Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brettultimus ►Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/lmrgkws ►May contain music from: http://incompetech.com/
A story has gone viral this morning claiming that experts have finally 'solved' the Bermuda Triangle mystery, with the discovery of strange, hexagonal-shaped clouds covering the region. According to a new Science Channel documentary on the issue, these hexagonal clouds are creating winds of 106 kilometres per hour (65 mph) that act as "air bombs" to sink ships and bring down planes.
What is going on everyone and welcome back to another video. Today we count down the "Pokemon People Think Are From A Different Region!" If you enjoy the video, remember likes are appreciated, and if you're new to the channel, make sure you subscribe for more Pokemon content! ►CHECK OUT PART 2 HERE!: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v;=Xit6kPr5Oa8 ►SUBSCRIBE TO WOOPSIRE!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUh6RxMBhOS9aDsRoUen7w •GFX by: https://twitter.com/primelections ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ •Playlists: ►Sun and Moon Coverage: http://bit.ly/2bWK8uZ ►Top 5s/10s: http://bit.ly/1K5to2n ►Blaze Black 2 Egglocke: http://bit.ly/2cieOt2 ►ORAS Solo-Run Versus: http://bit.ly/2dmwSz2 ►Liquid Crystal Nuzlocke: http://bit.ly/2apN68I ►Red Randomizer Soul Link: http://bit.ly/2bh...
Over the years, Pokemon has released many new Pokemon. With those new Pokemon also come new pokemon fans. With there being so many Pokemon its easy to get confused on what comes from where, so today Supra and I will be talking about some Pokemon that are commonly associated with being from another region! •Supras video ► http://bit.ly/SupraPt1 • My Last Video ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFwgO7RwaVQ •Follow me on twitter ►http://bit.ly/Wooptwit ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ • My Video Playlists: ►Moon Silver Nuzlocke http://bit.ly/WoopSilver ►Sun and Moon Videos http://bit.ly/WoopSM ►Countdown Videos http://bit.ly/WoopCounts ►FFA's http://bit.ly/FFayelmaos ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ •Music used in this video ►Intro song is Pasha - Colorblind stop asking me ►Pokemon Sun...
Forget Alola Exeggutor - it's time to bust out the Photoshop - crank open Google Images, and create some Alola Region Pokemon. Do you have any ideas? Let me know in the comments! ►Subscribe : http://tinyurl.com/l4gnp94 ►Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/brettultimus ►Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brettultimus ►Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/lmrgkws ►May contain music from: http://incompetech.com/
In this video I cover if certain regions are more skilled than others IN GENERAL. I cover a good few logic statements and thoughts while useing a little league real world evidence. I've also added on and my own anecdotal experience. ★Follow My Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/scrap_computer ★Like My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ScrapC... ★Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Scrap_Computer
There's a couple of interesting regional differences in the Mario Kart franchise, let's check them out! ► Thanks for Watching! ◄ ► FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/nicobbq ► TWITTER : http://www.twitter.com/nicobbq ► TWITCH.TV : http://www.twitch.tv/nicobbq Intro theme by : Ombar Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music
This recording is from a collection within the Pro Sound Effects library. For more exciting content and to learn more about sound libraries from Pro Sound Effects please visit our website: http://www.prosoundeffects.com
This recording is from a collection within the Pro Sound Effects library. For more exciting content and to learn more about sound libraries from Pro Sound Effects please visit our website: http://www.prosoundeffects.com
This recording is from a collection within the Pro Sound Effects library. For more exciting content and to learn more about sound libraries from Pro Sound Effects please visit our website: http://www.prosoundeffects.com
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This recording is from a collection within the Pro Sound Effects library. For more exciting content and to learn more about sound libraries from Pro Sound Effects please visit our website: http://www.prosoundeffects.com
NEW HACK POKEMON GO! CATCH SUPER RARE LEGENDARY REGION SPECIFIC POKEMON! (TAP TO WALK + TELEPORT) pokémon go hack coins hack know how free Pokemon go hack how to hack Pokecoins Pokemon go coin ----------------------------- NEW HACK POKEMON GO! CATCH ANY SUPER RARE + LEGENDARY REGION SPECIFIC POKEMON! (TAP TO WALK + TELEPORT) 1.7.0 HACK! How to catch any region specific rare and legendary pokemon hack explained with new 1.7.0 pokemon go buddy update hack! Subscribe and like for more pokemon go hacks and gameplay! Twitter: https://twitter.com/minionmauler Twitch (if i ever decide to stream): twitch.tv/minionmauler REST OF DESCRIPTION MADE BY GAMEWATCHABLE! “Pokemon GO Hack & Cheat Rare Pokemon Hacked Gameplay with GPS Spoof Cheat” “Pokemon Go | THIS POKEMON GO CHEAT / HACK ACTUALLY WORK...
Find a charming bed and breakfast in the Hershey Harrisburg Region. Bed and Breakfasts have great amenities not offered by hotels. Stay with us this season!
Visitsouthjersey.com and Marilyn Russell sit down with Bob Clark of Chestnut Run Farm
More information is available at: http://global.shakemovie.princeton.edu/event.jsp?evid=B201610120416A. This video from Princeton Global ShakeMovie illustrates the up-and-down velocity of the earthquake. Strong blue waves indicate rapid downward surface movement, while strong red waves indicate strong upward motion. Researchers at Princeton investigate and inform the public about earthquakes worldwide through Global ShakeMovie, an online portal that shows near-real-time visualizations of recent earthquakes worldwide. These visualizations, which are usually live within seven hours of an event, are based on simulations carried out on a large computer cluster in order to provide information that enhances the public knowledge and understanding of earthquakes.
More information is available at: http://global.shakemovie.princeton.edu/event.jsp?evid=C201610120321A. This video from Princeton Global ShakeMovie illustrates the up-and-down velocity of the earthquake. Strong blue waves indicate rapid downward surface movement, while strong red waves indicate strong upward motion. Researchers at Princeton investigate and inform the public about earthquakes worldwide through Global ShakeMovie, an online portal that shows near-real-time visualizations of recent earthquakes worldwide. These visualizations, which are usually live within seven hours of an event, are based on simulations carried out on a large computer cluster in order to provide information that enhances the public knowledge and understanding of earthquakes.
Welcome to a brand new series of Pixelmon Johto on the Pokeballers server with Mitch! ❱ Pokeballers Store (Johto): http://buy.pokeballers.com/category/681300 ❱ Server IP: mc.pokeballers.com ❱ Website: http://forums.pokeballers.com ❱ Subscribe & never miss a Video - http://bit.ly/LachlanSubscribe ❱ Second Channel - https://www.youtube.com/LachlanPlayz ❱ Follow me on: Twitter! https://twitter.com/LachlanYT Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/LachlanTV Instagram: http://instagram.com/LachlanPower ❱ Friends in this video: Mitch: http://www.youtube.com/TheBajanCanadian ----- Music Supplied by MonsterCatMedia - https://www.youtube.com/user/monsterc... Incompetech - http://www.incompetech.com/
Dr. Aldo Guerrero Glez. Universidad de Guadalajara Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud Depto. de Morfología
Buckethead - Todos los derechos reservados. Buckethead - All rights reserved. 1. 0:00 - Region 2. 7:13 - Castle Stairs 3. 12:51 - River Of Liquid Fire 4. 19:08 - Clock Striking 5. 27:50 - Ancient Desert Released 25 August 2015 Web Site: www.bucketheadpikes.com Sitio Web: www.bucketheadpikes.com
Region 9 Is finally here so let's finish region 8 with a bang!! In this video we take on every dinosaur in region 8 in a long special episode. Hunt or be hunted! Embark on the dinosaur hunting expedition of a lifetime to kill the ultimate game in Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores. HUNT DINOSAURS Journey to a hidden, untouched Jurassic island and kill the most ferocious animals in history. Encounter Jurassic beasts long thought extinct, from the docile stegosaurus to the terrifying T. rex. VISIT EXOTIC Jurassic LOCATIONS Kill dinosaurs in lush and dangerous Jurassic environments like the shipwreck-strewn coast, overgrown jungle and dinosaur boneyard! EQUIP POWERFUL WEAPONS Load up on firepower with destructive weapons like the rocket launcher and shuriken crossbow. You’ll need a powerful arsenal ...
Today, I'll be showing you how to change your emuNAND region safely & easily. This is completely safe; no one has reported getting their sysNAND bricked by doing this. In the video, I'm changing mine from 9.2.0-20U to 9.2.0-20J. ---TUTORIAL--- GBAtemp post (original tutorial): https://gbatemp.net/threads/guide-change-emunand-region.392099/page-10#post-6016225 1. Get all of the updates for the system region you want to switch to starting from the lowest you can find (4.2) to whatever your emuNAND is now (9.2). If you are using a N3DS get the O3DS updates up to 8.1 and then get the N3DS updates for 9.0 and above. 2. Merge all of the update CIA's into a single folder overwriting older versions with newer versions (Add 4.2 CIA's to the folder then 4.5 CIA's, then 5.0, etc...) when you are d...
Second Channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/Officiallynerdcubed Nerd³ Twitter! https://twitter.com/Dannerdcubed Nerd³ Site! http://nerdcubed.co.uk/ You know what the Farm Simulator engine needed? Hills, speed and more physics objects. Game link: http://www.skiregion-simulator.com/ End theme by the incredible Dan Bull: http://www.youtube.com/user/douglby All other music is in game music. It makes me want to set fire to a transport sled.
Pidä omenas, pidä luumut ja mansikat
Pidä päärynät, pidä koko sun puutarhas
Sitä satoa minä aio en korjata
Kiinni vähempään vois houkuttaa, mulla on niin paljon parempaa
Sua illan valveilla odottaa, käärii peittoon ja laittaa nukkumaan
Pidä lupaukset, pidä sanatkin omanas
Kun et kuitenkaan pääse niitä lunastamaan
Kiinni vähempään vois houkuttaa, mulla on niin paljon parempaa
Sua illan valveilla odottaa, käärii peittoon ja laittaa nukkumaan
Kiinni vähempään vois houkuttaa, mulla on niin paljon parempaa