YOUR TOWN: 3AW Drive visits Croydon Hills

This week 3AW Drive visited Croydon Hills.

This week 3AW Drive visited Croydon Hills.

A busy stretch of road in Croydon Hills should be avoided "like the plague" during school pick up and drop off times. 

3AW Drive visited the suburb in Melbourne's outer-east for today's edition of Your Town.

The median house price in Croydon Hills is $719,000.

"There are lots of cars on the road, but when you've got 6 or 7 good schools in a very small area that everyone wants to go to you are going to have traffic for 20 minutes each day," caller Kate said.

Adam, who lives in nearby Warranwood, said it was best to steer clear.

"You want to avoid the area like the plague around school pick up, it is just at a standstill," he said.

Kylie Cook, who owns the organic grocery shop nearby called The Persimmon Tree, said the area had welcomed people of more diverse backgrounds in recent years.

"It's fabulous," she said.

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