Federal Politics


One Nation senator Rod Culleton's bizarre letter to the 'elitist' High Court

One Nation senator Rod Culleton has penned a bizarre conspiracy-theory-laden letter to the High Court in which he claims armed SWAT teams are helping the banks rob Australians of their assets, complains of a Commonwealth "reign of terror" and slams the judges he's trying to win over as "elitist".

The eccentric West Australian has used his official submission to the court – obtained exclusively by Fairfax Media – as an opportunity to air "all the grievances" he has with the federal government.

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Senator Pauline Hanson's staffer James Ashby has even been accused of throwing his phone at Senator Rod Culleton's chief of staff. (Video courtesy ABC)

And there are many.

He starts by questioning the legitimacy of everything the Federal Parliament has done since 1990, claiming it has breached the constitution because it "has not been constituting itself with the Queen" and changed its name from the Parliament of the Commonwealth to the Parliament of Australia.

Senator Rod Culleton speaks in the Senate on the issue of his eligibility to serve.
Senator Rod Culleton speaks in the Senate on the issue of his eligibility to serve. Photo: Andrew Meares

That had brought about a "reign of terror for which only physical violence or the threat of it, and the good common sense of SWAT Teams and Police called upon to commit proxy violence in the name of Banks, Financiers and non-compliant Courts, created by the States of Australia, on any individual or family or corporation that dared to make a political protest causing suicides family breakups, destruction of the family unit, and immense heartbreak to thousands of committed hardworking Australians".

Senator Culleton is fighting to keep his Senate seat amid doubts about his eligibility because he had a larceny conviction – relating to the theft of a $7.50 tow truck key – at the time of the July 2 election.


While the conviction was subsequently annulled Parliament referred him to the High Court, sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns, to determine whether he should be allowed to stay on as a senator.

The court also referred Family First's Bob Day who is facing his own eligibility questions over a pecuniary interest. Senator Day has already resigned from the Senate but the court's ruling could decide who replaces him.

It will hold a directions hearing into both matters on Monday.

Senator Culleton, who is representing himself because he can't afford a legal team, originally said he would not attend because Parliament was sitting but has since changed his mind.

Elsewhere in his submission Senator Culleton says a "disastrous failure in the delivery of peace order and good government" started in 1952 when the High Court rules were approved by a "somnolent and irresponsible Parliament" allowing the "so-called High Court to depart from the promised and mandated Federal Supreme Court to a selective, isolated, elitist High Court".

"It is no wonder Banks, Trustees, their liquidators, receivers and agents have been able to use the Supreme Court of each State to get arbitrary orders stripping the assets of hardworking Australians and giving them with the help of Armed SWAT Teams, to the legal thieves, condoned by the State Governments of Australia."

Elsewhere he rails against "a series of incompetent, hopeless, Attorneys-General in both the Commonwealth and in the States".

Senator Culleton briefly touches on the case that landed him in all this hot water, describing how a "physically intimidating thug in a 550-horsepower tow truck came to [my] property unannounced".

He describes the fight that followed and says: "The thug started punching me, I punched back, and during the altercation, the key allegedly got lost, although he could have put it in his pocket. I was not worried about a key but where I would land my next punch."

He also uses the submission to claim state levies breach the constitution and accuse the High Court registry of "capricious and unreasonable conduct".

He also embarks on an attack on the Family Court, claiming it has never been legitimate because its judges are not required to swear allegiance to the Queen, which he calls the "cornerstone of representative democracy".

The court is expected to set dates for final submissions and a full hearing.

In the meantime, Senator Culleton will stay in the Parliament and continue to vote on the government's legislation.Tensions between Senator Culleton and his leader, Pauline Hanson, have been high since she backed his referral to the court. Senator Hanson's staffer James Ashby has even been accused of throwing his phone at Senator Culleton's chief of staff.
