17 comments on “Robert De Niro emerges as Clinton’s most powerful weapon yet

  1. Jellytot on said:

    Andy Newman:

    The melt down of Trump’s campaign is significant beyond who resides in the White House, the GOP has crashed on the rocks.

    It is hard to see where they go from here

    Won’t they try and dump him this coming week and choose VP pick Pence?

    A lot will depend on tonight’s debate performance.

    With Pence they will still lose next month but it will set up Pence nicely for a run in 2020 and help the GOP down ticket candidates this year (House and Senate).

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  2. John Grimshaw on said:

    Jellytot: A lot will depend on tonight’s debate performance.

    All I kknow so far is what I’ve heard on the Radio but the American media seem to be crediting Trump with a better performance than Clinton. The debate, if you can call it that, seems to have been more about sexual mores than policy.

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  3. Jellytot on said:

    John Grimshaw: All I kknow so far is what I’ve heard on the Radio but the American media seem to be crediting Trump with a better performance than Clinton. The debate, if you can call it that, seems to have been more about sexual mores than policy.

    Yes….I am in Canada and I watched it live. Trump did not crash and burn so could well survive.

    The aftershow pundits did comment that he threw lots of red meat (like threatening to jail HC) to his base but did nothing to attract the crucial college educated White woman demographic. And he further alienated minorities.

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  4. I watched most of it and I’d say that in the circumstances Trump pretty much wiped the floor with Clinton. Given the revelations about Trump over the past few days you’d think he’d be the one on the defensive, but it was Clinton who often seemed to be squirming. She’s a corporate career politician, a dangerous neocon with a record of mendacious political maneuvering, which is as clear as day to pretty much everyone outside the establishment Democratic Party bubble.

    Trump is, of course, just as bad but he knows how to tap into the cynicism characters like Clinton inspire. When he talked about putting her in jail mainstream political pundits reacted with horror. I think many ordinary people would love to see that happen to a well-protected big business politician.

    The Republican Party is in crisis, but that crisis of mainstream politics affects the Democrats as well, which is why Clinton is struggling even in the face of all Trump’s gaffes. Given that, it really is tragic and frustrating that Sanders effectively threw in the towel and pledged to support Clinton.

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  5. jack: watched most of it and I’d say that in the circumstances Trump pretty much wiped the floor with Clinton.

    I agree. From his and his team’s POV it was a very successful debate. He certainly succeeded in firming up his base after the horrible weekend’s revelations re the audio tape, which is precisely what he had to do. He took it to the Clintons in a way that none of their opponents or critics ever have. He is a bigot, a mysogonist and a megalomaniac whose only coherent policy is foreign policy when it comes to Russia and the mess in the Middle East. When Clinton talked about establishing a no-fly zone in Syria a chill slid down my spine. She is a batshit crazy warmonger and disciple of US exceptionalism.

    Neither candidate gives cause for hope.

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  6. John: When Clinton talked about establishing a no-fly zone in Syria a chill slid down my spine.

    Yes, it hasn’t received the attention it deserves, but Clinton’s reckless gung-ho proposal with regard to a no-fly zone in Syria would effectively mean militarily engaging with Russia. Be very afraid of Clinton.

    Trump did sort of make some type of sense over that particular issue, rather in the way that a stopped clock is correct twice a day.

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  7. John Grimshaw on said:


    Parliament is due to have it’s first debate on Syria for some time. At least one prominent Tory is calling for a western imposed no-fly zone over Aleppo. When asked wouldn’t this inevitably bring the west into conflict with Russia he effectively said we should cross that bridge when we come to it.

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  8. R. Random on said:

    Andy Newman,

    Clinton didn’t actually emit the gung-ho proposal that some would have us believe she did–if you look at the whole thing, she says that a no-fly zone would require taking out the Russian defense system of Assad’s air force, which would kill many Syrians–which would not be a good thing.

    I’m opposed to Clinton because I oppose neoliberalism, but no politician in history has been as thoroughly slandered and misrepresented as she has been. She is NOT plotting to go to war with Russia., no matter what Russia Today would have you believe.

    In any case, Putin is no friend of the world’s oppressed and should not be portrayed as the People’s Glorious Hero any more than the butcher Assad. If you Brits can’t stop compulsively putting a minus wherever you imagine we Americans are putting a plus, you will only succeed in making yourselves seem even more ridiculous in the eyes of the world than you do in any case post-Empire and now post-Brexit.

    Having said which, I confess I look with a degree of hope, however forlorn, to Jeremy Corbyn’s future success, and wish him well–though I understand that the irrepressible John Wight has been invoking anathema against him in these pages.

    The restoration of British socialism to power would be, as Bernie Sanders might put it, “huge,” though of course the ins and outs of the actual political situation remain as obscure to me as they are to most United Statestians.

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  9. Jellytot on said:

    Well, they are throwing every thing including the kitchen sink at Trump now.

    Some people have skeletons in their closet….Trump seems to have the whole graveyard in his!

    In the bizarre ethic horsetrading that constitutes modern US politics, White men were written off as a voting bloc by the Dems years ago….The Dem strategy is to toxify Trump with everyone else to deliver HRC into the White House.

    And it will almost certainly work.

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  10. Jellytot on said:

    Clarification….that is writing off White men as the majority Voting bloc. They are happy to get around 40% White male vote and will win by adding everyone else. It’s a strategy that will deliver more Dem presidents than GOP ones.

    California, with its vast amounts of electoral college votes, used to be Red (GOP) and competitive. Now, through Hispanic immigration aND birth rates it is solid Blue (Dem).

    Texas, similarly a massive state, could well go the same way….red to purple to blue….and then it really is game over for the GOP in the electoral college.

    After Trump the GOP will almost certainly choose, for 2020, a candidate with an ethnic surname (Rubio or Cruz) or a woman.

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  11. The Bozo and Bullying Artist cracked me up… Anyone signalling support or insinuating one for DonaldTrump against HillaryClinton should imagine DonaldDuck in Bozos Boots. If making America the laughing stock of the world is your aim and objective Support TrumpPence. Canada and Me will be better for it

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  12. Jellytot on said:

    freeworldreview: Canada and Me will be better for it

    Doesn’t Canada want a Republican Presidency? The GOP will approve tar sands carrying pipelines to the South (like Keystone XL) so vital to the Canadian economy. The Dems have a habit of rejecting them.

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