BHP chairman Jac Nasser warns of 'trauma' if Trump hits China with tariffs

BHP chairman Jac Nasser warned against the introduction of tariffs at the AGM in Brisbane on Thursday.
BHP chairman Jac Nasser warned against the introduction of tariffs at the AGM in Brisbane on Thursday. Robert Shakespeare

BHP Billiton chairman Jac Nasser says the world economy will face "complete trauma" if US President-elect Donald Trump goes through with a threat to impose large tariffs on Chinese products entering the US.

Chinese customers are responsible for more than 40 per cent of BHP's revenue, but Mr Nasser told shareholders in Brisbane that Mr Trump's plan to impose a 45 per cent tariff on Chinese products would have broader ramifications than its impact on BHP's balance sheet.

"You will have more worries than that, the whole world will start to be in complete trauma if tariff levels of that size and magnitude are put on across the board," he said.

"You enter uncharted waters if those types of tariffs are applied across the board and if they were applied across the board I don't think anyone understands what the impacts would be.

"If they applied that in the United States I can guarantee you there would be counter-veiling duties in other areas of the world as well."

'Never bet against the US'

Speaking at his final shareholder meeting as chairman of BHP, Mr Nasser said he was confident that many of Mr Trump's policies would be scaled back once he is in power.

"What you have seen in the US political process recently is quite a lot of rhetoric and some of which will happen and some of it won't, I happen to think we should wait, have the discussions, but wait until we see what some of the key cabinet appointments are, made by this new administration, because then it will become more clear," he said.

"I think some of the policies that have been listed at this stage will probably be moderated over time ... the wall became a fence, and when he starts to appoint his advisers and cabinet members it will become more apparent.

"You never bet against the US and I don't think they're going to do things that will hurt the US."

BHP has a large oil and gas business in the US, an office in New York and is hoping to develop a copper mine called Resolution in Arizona.

Mr Nasser spends much of his time in the US state of Michigan, and his comments come barely a week after former BHP executive Mike Yeager said he believed the Trump regime would be good for business, particularly those producing petroleum.

"He is for jobs, lower corporate taxes, investment and growth. He is particularly supportive of the oil and gas industry, and the vital role it plays in support of the American citizens ... So I am very excited about the future of business in the US in general, and the oil and gas industry in particular," said Mr Yeager, who is now chairman of Freedom Oil and Gas.

Climate change commitment

BHP chief executive Andrew Mackenzie said he hoped Mr Trump would not walk away from the US's commitment to the Paris climate change agreement.

"We do welcome, to be clear at the outset, the agreement that was forged at COP21, we do hope that President Trump doesn't actually tear up the agreement of the United States to support that and also the very strong bond that President Obama and (Chinese President) Xi Jinping forged on that because we see this is a strong foundation for future action," he said.

BHP is enjoying strong coal and iron ore prices at the moment, largely because of supply cuts in China that are part of efforts to reform the coal and steel sector in the Middle Kingdom.

Mr Mackenzie said China was increasing comfortable buying materials from foreign companies 

"They have, perhaps, an increasing trust in the market which I think has been built up over our performance over a while that I think is quite gratifying," he said. 

Mr Mackenzie said he still believes prices for coal and iron ore will decline from current levels, and despite expectations that dividends will rise, BHP would focus its extra free cash flow on debt reduction.

"In the very near term our priority is to reduce the levels of debt," he said.  

Mr Nasser said his successor as chairman would likely be named "sometime between now and the middle of next year".

BHP is looking at external candidates, but Mr Nasser hinted that internal candidates were more likely to be successful because of BHP's long-term and ongoing succession planning. 

"Unless that is your mindset you end up rushing at the end and looking everywhere," he said.

"We always look outside, but we always have a strong preference inside, all things being equal it is inside, but they are not always equal.

"With good governance the board usually asks the chairman for views, but I don't think it is proper or correct for good governance that the chairman has a veto right or the chairman's vote is disproportionate to a single vote."