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Kidspot Pregnancy

Your Pregnancy - Week 29

You are now 29 weeks pregnant, which is the beginning of week 30. At this stage your baby weighs about 1,350 grams (3 lbs) and measures about 40 cm in length from head to toe (15.75 inches).

Your baby is now developing a special layer of fat called brown adipose tissue (BAT). This fat layer is your baby’s main source of heat production after birth (similar to the fat of hibernating animals). Newborns have a limited ability to shiver, sweat or move to regulate their own body temperature. By 40 weeks, BAT makes up 2 to 7 % of your baby’s total body weight. Premature babies have trouble keeping warm after birth because they lack BAT. This is why they are cared for with overhead heaters or humidicribs in intensive care nurseries.

Physical changes

Clicking sound

Occasionally, a pregnant woman will describe a distinctive ‘click’ or ‘pop’ coming from inside her uterus, usually when her baby is moving during middle to late pregnancy. This is not very common, and it is hard to know what really causes it. One plausible explanation may be the baby’s joints rubbing or ‘clicking’ as they move, but we cannot be certain. In our experience, women who have noticed this clicking sound have gone on to have normal healthy babies, so we don’t think it is anything to be concerned about. Perhaps it will remain one of those strange mysteries of pregnancy?

Bleeding during late pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is always of some concern. Significant bleeding (soaking a pad or more) after 20 weeks of pregnancy is referred to as an Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH). Lesser amounts of blood loss may be referred to as spotting.

Emotional changes

Body changing

A woman’s body changes dramatically during pregnancy. When looking in the mirror it can be hard to believe how your body has accommodated your unborn baby so far and if you will ever be ‘normal’ again. Some women (and their partners) love the look of pregnancy, finding it beautiful, sensual and fascinating. Other women just feel tired, big and uncomfortable.


A frequently asked question by pregnant women is “Will orgasm start labour?” The answer to this is “No”, unless your body is already prepared to start labouring, near the end of the pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions do commonly occur when women climax. This is normal and will not start labour.

Men may be concerned about hurting their pregnant partner, or their baby, when having intercourse during late pregnancy. Penetration won’t hurt your unborn baby. The cervix is sealed with a thick mucous plug that helps prevent infection and the bag of waters (membrane) and amniotic fluid, act as a cushion to protect your baby.

Different positions during love-making may need to be explored as your belly gets bigger. The conventional missionary position (partner lying on top of woman) can be a bit tricky.

Other considerations


Some parents choose to have their baby boy circumcised (removal of their foreskin). This may be for personal, religious or cultural reasons. At present there is no strong medical evidence that supports the routine circumcision of baby boys and rates are declining. However, parents who do choose to circumcise their son should find an experienced doctor who uses proper anaesthetic in a surgery or hospital that can deal with any possible complications.

Birth preparations

Birth plans for labour or Caesarean

A birth plan is a written plan or verbal agreement outlining your (and your partner’s) preferences for the environment and procedures pertaining to the birth of your child. A birth plan can range from a few ideas, to an extensive plan covering many contingencies and may also include requests unique to your philosophies or beliefs.

Labour and birth overview

The process of labour is traditionally divided into 3 different stages. The 1st stage being when the woman’s cervix dilates, the 2nd when the baby is being pushed down the birth canal, and the 3rd being the birth of the placenta. However, prelabour is a phase that can precede 1st stage and some caregivers also refer to a 4th stage, being the recovery period for an hour or so after the birth.

Caesarean or VBAC

A Caesarean birth is always a possibility if complications arise. Some women already know they will have a Caesarean and are planning for this. Others have had a previous Caesarean but would like to plan for a vaginal birth (called a VBAC – Vaginal Birth After Caesarean).

Sibling preparation

The birth of a new brother or sister is a major life event for a child, as they contend with not being the centre of their parents’ world. Letting your child(ren) know about the pregnancy, deciding whether they will be at the birth and/or how you will introduce the new baby, are all universal issues.

Cord blood donation

The Australian Cord Blood Donation Scheme is conducted by various Cord Blood Banks in most capital cities. They devote their resources to the collection, processing, storage and distribution of cord blood which is voluntarily donated from the placentas and cords (or afterbirths) of mothers who give birth to healthy babies over 36 weeks gestation. Donated blood is processed and stored for up to 20 years for use as a treatment to cure compatible children and adults suffering from leukaemia and some cancers. There are also a few private companies in the US, UK and Australia (totally separate from the Cord Blood Banks) who offer a service to collect cord blood from babies to store for fees (generally thousands of dollars).