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Mum demands kid-free flights because most parents are ‘selfish’

British journalist Kelly Rose Bradford, has caused a twitter-storm after suggesting that young kids should be banned from some flights to make flying “better for everybody”. Oh yes, she did.


In a shameless swipe at young families, controversial journalist Kelly Rose Bradford has appeared on a British TV show and called for babies to be banned on certain flights, or at least segregated from child-free adults.

Parents who travel with kids are selfish? Ummm … really?

A heated debate erupted on live TV after Ms Bradford and fellow journalist Emma Taylor clashed over Kelly’s contentious call.

A mum-of-one herself, Kelly claims she never took long haul flights when her son was a baby because, “I didn’t want the grief and I didn’t want to subject everyone else to it as well because I know how irritating it is when you are the person sitting next to that family, behind them or in front of them,” she said on This Morning.

“I think there’s an element of selfishness from parents who insist on not changing their lifestyle once they have their children because there are some things that just aren’t practical,” Kelly said.

Luckily, Emma Taylor was there to provide a much needed voice of reason.

“Everyone has to learn to get on with each other. It’s not selfish to go around society with children – children are part of society,” she said.

“They’re not mini-adults. They are children and they are people in their own right and they have a right to go to places.”

And then the tweets rolled in …

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. But it seems not all of This Morning‘s viewers shared Emma’s sentiments, siding more with Kelly’s kid-free stance, and they took to Twitter to state their views.

“Families should have a separate part of the plane, why should I have a crap flight because of someone else’s child?” said one viewer. And another agreed,:”Why should kid-free people have to tolerate other people’s kids? There’s quiet zones on trains, why not planes?”


But the majority of tweets were unmistakably taken-aback by Kelly’s position.

“What tosh”, tweeted one. “Our plane out to Cyprus had obnoxious adults on board causing a scene. Their kids were fine.” And another said: “Poor children!! They are not animals. They are the next generation, how are they suppose to learn!?”

FYI, Kelly loves her dog more than her son

It’s not the first time Kelly has offered up a plate of controversy. Last year, she claimed on This Morning that she loved her dog more than her son.

“The dog is forever in this newborn state. Kids eventually become stroppy,” she confessed.

Need we say more?