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Mum asked to leave cafe after changing baby’s dirty nappy in eating area

Leesa Smith |

This scenario involves an irate mother and one very unimpressed cafe owner. Who do you think is in the wrong?


New mum Stephanie Plahn thoroughly enjoyed her coffee at the Bench Espresso Bar in Brisbane recently, but she’s unlikely to go back - and that’s more than fine with owner Jocelyn Ridgway.

In a scathing review on Google, the mother of a 12-week-old baby first praised the quality of the coffee before taking aim at Jocelyn and other customers.

Stephanie put a mat down and changed her bub’s nappy in the eating area.  She then had a confronting experience at the cafe.

“I approached her (the manager) upon leaving and asked if she had a problem with my baby and I sitting there. She said in quite a critical tone, that she didn’t think it was appropriate to change my baby there,” she says in the review.

“To this woman and the 2 other customers who made comments regarding this. Mothers don’t need your judgment or criticism. We have enough pressure and stress we deal with on a daily basis. We rarely get the opportunity to get out and have a coffee amidst the long list of things we are doing for our families every single day.

“I am sorry (not sorry) you are so terribly offended by a tiny baby’s tiny little dirty nappy that you think it necessary to criticise.”


Jocelyn Ridgway, owner/operator of Green Grass Home & Body and The Park Bench Espresso Bar at Bulimba. Pic Annette Dew

Jocelyn Ridgway is the owner of Park Bench Espresso Bar which is attached to Green Grass Home & Body. Source: Annette Dew News Corp


“I know in my heart that that was not cool. It’s an etiquette thing.”

However, Jocelyn believes there was good reason to criticise what Stephanie had done.

“She was there that long the baby did two poos,” she told AAP.

“There were people next to her. We had complaints from a group of older women who did not think it was that great.”

The cafe is an extension of Green Grass and Home Body retail store which Jocelyn started 15 years ago. The al fresco area opened up five years ago and a park, with several sheltered tables, is located directly across the road.

Since store owner Ms Ridgway shared the review on Facebook with friends, she says she has had overwhelming support.

“I know in my heart that that was not cool. It’s an etiquette thing,” she says.

“She won’t be back as a customer, that’s fine. I can’t afford to have customers like her anyway.”

Have you been criticised for where you have changed your baby? Share you story at