
… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Solidaritätserklärung der OKDE-Spartakos mit den Kämpfen in der Türkei

Posted by entdinglichung - 8. Juni 2013

Quelle: International Viewpoint:

Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Turkey

Statement of the Organization of Communist Internationalists of Greece (OKDE-Spartakos), Greek section of the Fourth International.

The Organization of Communists Internationalists of Greece / OKDE-Spartakos expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the working class, the youth and the people of Turkey against the Erdogan government.

A struggle that, although it began as a mobilization against the commercialization of Gezi Park, has quickly acquired the features of a political struggle against the antipopular and authoritarian Erdogan government, which, after consolidating its position against the Kemalists has launched a policy of Islamic neo-conservatism that violates elementary social rights and democratic freedoms provoking the indignation of the vast majority of the democratic people of Turkey.

The uprising in Turkey reveals the real situation in the country. Behind the economic growth rates, the prosperity of numbers and the capitalists, lays the reality of poverty and oppression of the working class and the poor social strata.

For us it is clear that the uprising is deeply social and that it is part of the chain of revolts that started in the French suburbs back in 2005 and continued with December 2008 in Greece, the Arab Spring, the workers’ struggles against austerity in a series of European countries and the uprising of the British urban proletariat in 2011.

Erdogan’s propaganda against the uprising, has found many allies in the Greek mass media as well as in the Greek nationalist cycles and the Nazi gang of Golden Dawn. This development is not accidental. Last week, the Turkish militant Bulut Yayla was kidnapped in the streets of Athens and was handed in the Turkish police. This fact also, reveals the relations between the two governments and their apparatuses.

As the working people in both countries are severely hit by the offensive of the capital, solidarity between the two people is more necessary than ever. We stand by the side of the Turkish people in revolt and by the side of our comrades of the revolutionary left who wage the battle of barricades and ideas. We denounce the murderous police attacks against the protesters in the cities around the country.

The Turkish “spring” shows that our days bear the possibility for a social and political overthrow, away from the barbarism of capitalism, based on the power and self-organization of the oppressed.

– Victory to the revolt of the Turkish people

– Solidarity with the protesters in the streets

– Down with the Erdogan government. No trust to the Kemalists.

– Immediate release of the militant Bulut Yayla

– Long live the unity of the working class in Greece and Turkey

Proletarians of the world unite!

OKDE-Spartakos, Greek section of the Fourth International

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